Today people probably think of desire as the emotion of wanting something. This understanding of the word probably came from its origin. Derived from the Latin word, “desiderate,” desire means, “to long for or wish for” (Online Etymology Dictionary) .” However, desire has a deeper meaning. Desire doesn’t just mean to wish for something, but it stands for what drives us to work hard to achieve our goals. Desire fuels success because it makes us work harder to be the best. Desire means “to long or hope for” (“Desire” Merriam 211).
This definition doesn’t do any justice to the word. To hope, sounds like wishing something would happen just because it would be nice if it did. Just hoping for something doesn’t get the job done. Sometimes it takes a little hard work to increase the chances of it happening. In today’s society we want things handed to us because we aren’t willing to work hard to earn it.
We just hope that something good will happen to us. To desire something, is to be willing to give up almost anything to have it, and without that demeanor it will be hard to be successful. A word synonymous to desire is “craving,” which is the type of desire an athlete feels to be the best at what he does (“Desire” Roget’s 415). When an athlete tastes success for the first time he becomes addicted to it. This addiction or craving encourages athletes to work harder and become better. When an athlete is exhausted, he continues to push himself because the feeling of success is so sweet, and he would do anything to experience that feeling again.
This work ethic comes from the burning desire all athletes have for success. Behind every success there is a desire. Desire makes us who we are. Desire is not only something felt by just one person, but can be felt throughout a whole group of people, like a team. A successful team desires to win because the disgust of a loss hurts so much. The desire of the team pushes them to work together and strengthen their weaknesses.
Without desire, a team is nothing because it has no heart. If a team doesn’t desire success, then there is no sense in having a team. The same goes for life. Without the desire to be the best, there is no purpose in life, for being just average is not good enough. Desire is just as important for those who are in the work force, as it is for an athlete. These days find a job is very difficult, and only those who truly desire to have a job are going to get one.
People who have high positions at major corporations didn’t just get those positions handed to them. They probably had to start off doing a lower entry job, but ended up getting to where they are at now because of the desire they had. These people worked the long hours and exceeded the expectations of their bosses. Because of their desire, they did whatever they had to, to impress their supervisors.
A successful life requires a desire. With the passion to achieve our goals that desire gives us, anything is possible. Those people out there who don’t desire anything are the least successful because someone without a desire is without a purpose.