Mary Shelley; s father believed education was the “universal Solution” Her Fathers ideas that education makes human better is shattered by marginalization of uneducated man by the well-learned Walton. “Sorrow only increases with knowledge”, is echoed throughout the novel After the creatures experience an education, there is an opportunity for closure in a fairy tale type ending, however it goes pair shape This symbolizes Shelley’s disagreement with her fathers ideals of education as a universal solution Creatures education Left to fend for himself De Lacey family, made him realize how far from human he was Learnt of mans distrust of anything different, His learning of various teachings including paradise lost, leads him to conclude that ‘Many times I considered Satan as the fitter emblem of my condition; for often, like him, when I viewed the bliss of my protectors, the bitter gall of envy rose within me. Industrialized London Fast growing, expanding industrial London Ever-expanding Science and technological advances Frankenstein’s self education, is symbolic of the growing London, and the product of his educated, ‘the monster’ is a warning by Shelley of what can come from new advances in science and technology Female Characters, linked to Gender Female characters, passive, dis empowered and uneducated Constantly highlighted throughout the novel, to show the gender inequality that was prevalent at the time Upon the death of Victors mother, Elizabeth assumes her role as ‘comforter’ and devotes herself “to those who she was taught to call her uncle and cousins.” Displays womens education as limited to being a nurturer, or a comforter in times of grief Victors/Walton Education Identical, both seeking greatness in their respective fields, seek knowledge, hungered for education At Ingolstatd, Victor meets a “palpable enemy” in the form of Professor Kempe, who places limits on education Fuels Victors fire to become great. “more, far more, will I achieve: treading in the steps already marked, I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation. Walton, like victor seeks greatness amongst the nothingness of the Arctic Willing to risk the lives of his men, and himself, in the perilous journey ” I may there discover the wondrous power which attracts the needle; and may regulate a thousand celestial observations, that require only this voyage to render their seeming eccentricities consistent for ever.
I shall satiate my ardent curiosity with the sight of a part of the world never before visited – these are my enticements.” Victor in a similar fashion entails how “The world was to me a secret which I desired to discover.” Education and the quest for knowledge becomes the their true enemy, and leads to the death of Victor, and the perilous journey of Walton Frankenstein and Walton’s separate journeys for greatness lead them symbolically, to the same place, a baron wasteland void of life. Frankenstein himself sums his feelings up, describing “how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow”.