Emily Dickinson And Walt Whitman

Emily Dickinson and both discussed the themes of love and death, in the different styles of poetry, which newly distinguished the romantic Era. Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman are two of literature’s greatest innovators, they each changed the face of American literature. They are considered one of literature’s greatest pair of opposites. Whitman and Dickinson’s writing are described as decades ahead of its time. They were poetic pioneers because of the new ideas they used in their poetry. The lives between Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman differ greatly even though they lived during the same time period.

Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts and Walt Whitman grew up in New York City, New York which are two very different worlds. The fast moving New J different worlds still managed to have a crucial impact on literature as we know it today. Dickinson attended Amherst Academy during the years 1840 – 1847 and later studied at the Mount Holyoke Female Seminary from the years of 1847 – 1848. After receiving five years of schooling, Walt Whitman spent four years learning the printing trade; while Emily Dickinson returned home after receiving schooling to be with her family and never really had a job. Walt Whitman spent most of his time observing people in New York City while Dickinson rarely left her house and didn’t associate with many people other than her family. Dickinson, s Mothers name is Emily Norco rss Dickinson and fathers name is Edward Dickinson, he was a very successful lawyer and a one-term United States congressional representative.

Whitman edited a newspaper between the ages of 11 and 19, as he grew up he became bored with his job and moved to the city to further pursue his career in writing. Whitman wrote for many newspapers before he actually began writing poetry. The world found out he wrote poetry when he published the first edition of Leaves of Grass. Walt Whitman published practically all his poetry during his lifetime, but Emily Dickinson only published ten of her poems while she was alive. These 10 poems were published in newspapers, Civil War Journals, and a poetry anthology. The major turning point for Whitman was in the 1860, s when his work started to gain more recognition from critics.

1862 was the major turning point for Dickinson, s life, in 1962 she wrote most of her poetry. She was writing one poem a day. Neither Dickinson nor Whitman got married, but both had people interested in them or people they were interested in. The last years of Dickinson she stayed very close to her family, but Walt Whitman traveled and lived alone toward the end of his life. In 1873 Whitman sadly suffered a stroke and in result became partially paralyzed. Until his death he worked on revising Leaves of Grass.

Whitman, s work always express his feelings of equality toward all mankind. Whitman has a fortitude to say what every person has on his or her mind. Emily Dickinson did not have the fortitude to directly address her problems. She always addressed herself through her poetry. One of Whitman, s most famous poems is ^aEURoeSong of Myself. ^aEUR Not only his most famous, but his most controversial.

In this poem he speaks for the entire humanity through his own life. Whitman, s work often express his love for himself. In ^aEURoeSong of Myself^aEUR its said that ^aEURoewe are told that all that is real is scared, we all possess something of the divine within our selves and our fellow man is develop to our fullest by listening to all and learning from all, regardless of how humble the source of knowledge may be^aEUR (Mallis 2). Whitman has set the way by his images and meter making ideals. In this poem Whitman crafts himself as the American Jesus. The boldness that respects an essential moment of demise and restoration in the ^aEURoeSong of Myself.

^aEUR ^aEURoeSong of Myself is our largest literary representation of resurrected man^aEUR (Bloom 267). Dickinson, s poetry there is not just one notorious poem that she is known for like Whitman, she is known for her works as in a whole not just one in particular. His vision of American religion is based upon this legendary poem. Another poem of Whitman, s is ^aEURoeI hear America Singing. ^aEUR This poem presents and image of America that we would like to believe is true.

It portrays an image of proud, healthy individuals involved in productive and happy labor. Whitman exemplifies the American values of equal opportunity. Whitman always sympathized with the common man because that is who he is, a common man. In Whitman, s poems there is more of a meaning toward them not like in Dickinson, s poems there is more unsystematic style of writing than in Whitman, s, which has consistency. Her writing is based on what she knows combined with mystery.

Dickinson wrote in a way so the reader has to think and participate in her poetry. May it be trying to figure out what or who she is writing about or just if this poem was just an endless maze that was never meant to have a meaning but just a purpose to make us, as the readers think about what we are reading more often. Instead of talking and thinking out her problems she puts her emotions into her writing, creating literary works of art. Emily Dickinson did not write for an audience she wasn^aEUR~t addressing anyone.

Walt Whitman wrote for an audience, he addressed the citizens about several national events. Whitman, s theme can be set to music. Whitman, s mystical nature set his poetry not like any other, he dared to be different and he succeeded in that. His poetry is of song. His poetry was harmonious in the sense that it flowed as if written to be a song. Whitman, s work can be interpreted in many levels: ^aEURoedemocrat, egalitarian, patriot, meta physicist, nature poet, lover, free spirit, and exponent of he spiritual values of self-realization through the recognition of life, s real priorities moderation, balance and tolerance^aEUR (Mallis 1).

Walt Whitman composed with the style of free verse and rhythmic innovations in his work. His work is more of an outpour of emotion within one stanza. We gather from reading his work a sense of passion with a mixture of logical discourse. His originality does not have anything to do with his stated ^aEURoeinventiveness^aEUR or his mastery of ^aEURoefigurative language. ^aEUR His writing comes from inspiration, either it be an emotion, a feeling, or a event of which occurred to him. Whitman never used rhyme scheme or meter to express his feelings.

Whitman often uses the Bible in his work while Dickinson felt that no one had to tell her how to worship. Dickinson, like Whitman dared to be different and her own person. ^aEURoeShe manifests cognitive originality than any other western poet^aEUR (Bloom 291). Emily Dickinson wrote lyrical meditations in her poetry. She wrote by thinking everything for herself.

She did not follow the crowd, as in that time people were more writing and reading style dramas, which she was not into composing. She did not write for the people, she wrote for herself. She wrote something different them what people expected and wanted her to do. She was a pioneer in her own time, she wrote things in her own style and theme. Dickinson, s poems contain ^aEURoeKaf Kan, labyrinthine aspects: they are journeys to nowhere^aEUR (Bloom 294). Her ^aEURoejourneys no nowhere^aEUR become a quest, a journey for the reader.

This, of which she used to write her poetry was something of its own. Even though it, s a quest for nowhere it leads us to knowledge that we didn, t have until reading her poetry. Knowledge of which, that not everything has a meaning or purpose; it might just be there to be there and nothing else. ^aEURoeRomanticism is the art of presenting to people the literary works which, in the actual sense of their habits and beliefs, are capable of giving them the greatest possible pleasure^aEUR (Pater 21). Romanticism began in the mid-18 th century. In literature, Romanticism was to some extent a reaction against the strict rules formulated by the Neoclassicists.

It varied from one group, or individual to another, but certain characteristics were common to most aspects of the movement. Among these characteristics were individualism, emotional expression, rejection of rules of art forms, imagination rather than reason, and expression of the sublime or peaceful aspects of nature. Romanticism, the passion-filled works illustrating stimulating accounts of specific events with symbolic gestures emerging from the scene, separated itself from the more politically correct stance taken by Realists. Romanticism is our philosophy, it, s based upon our own theory. Romantic authors wrote using allegory, symbolism, spiritual death and spiritual rebirth. Organism, Dynamism and diversitarnism are three ideas that helped developed the Romantic style.

Romanticism is a universal characteristic of reflection, art, and individuality established in all periods and in all cultures. It is the state of mind, a redirection in which you imagine in expressions of dynamic organism and it, s principles are alteration, and diversity. Romanticism is a point of reference that characterized works of literature in western civilization from the late 18 th to the mid 19 th century. Romanticism was created upon the idea of being anti-neoclassicism. It was further more against 18 th century rationalism and physical materialism.

Romanticism is the principle of Unpredictability in the world. Romanticism manifests a vast twist in the trend of European thought. The romantic follower bases his ethnic upon his certainty in the antagonism of the impartiality of the world. Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman revolutionized the literature world with their writing.

They both wrote in two different manners. As many of us are told that great minds think alike. When we see the American literatures greatest pair of opposites they will then realize that great minds do no think alike. Great minds think for themselves.