Charles Dickens’s , is a novel about the search for identity, consequences of choice, and how our experiences shape us. It shows the transformation of a young innocent Pip, to that of a Pip, with a false sense of self. “Great Expectations, concerns itself with the weakness and pettiness of mankind and can have no real hero or heroine.” (Mood 482). Outline I. Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations, is a novel about the search for identity, consequences of choice, and how our experiences shape us. A.
Pip is Easily Manipulated by Society B. Pip lets his Wealth run to his Head II. Pip Before and After A. Pip as a Young Boy Growing Up Before Money B. Pip After Gaining the Large Sum of Money III. Pip’s Rise to the Top A.
How Pip Pushed his way to the Top B. The Rules of Pip’s Inheritance IV. Pip’s New Outlook A. Pip is in Love with Estella 1. Negative Effects 2. Positive Effects B.
How Wealth is Affecting Pip’s Outlook on Life V. Conclusion A. Recurrent Themes 1. City Posed Against Country 2. Experience Against Innocence B. Mankind’s Greed This isn’t the best outline I’ve ever done, but it got me a B+.
It needs to be formatted corrected and the fields needed to be more in depth. I know writing outlines is the worst thing and I only wish this site came equipped with them, so I hope this outline helps atleast one person out there. Oh anyone using this site make sure you edit all your work with a fine toothed comb, because one of my friends got caught copying from a westie and he failed English for the year. I can’t stress the point EDIT EDIT EDIT, spell check, grammar check, and make sure it fits your criteria. If you write C Essays, it ” ll be suspicious if you write an A essay all of a sudden. Another tip use real sources but change the quotes that most essays have around.
If the source is cited in another author’s name, delete and put it in your author’s name. I hope these tips help and good luck on your papers!