An epic can be defined as a long narrative story recounting a quest of the quintessential hero, in his fight against evil. In the film, The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers and in the poem, Beowulf these epic thematic concepts are evident. Firstly, both epics take place in a vast scope of land. Beowulf travels from Geatland, to the land of the Danes, then back to Geatland. Two Towers takes place in numerous places of Middle Earth, from the Fango rn Forest, to Isonguad, to the plains of Rohan, and then to Helms Deep. Secondly, both tales include intense battle sequences in which many good people must die.
The description of Grendal’s attacks on the thanes is extremely gory and gruesome. He killed many innocent lives, including Hrothgar’s best friend. The bloody battle at Helms Deep also exemplifies this. The men, elves, and ents defeat the orc army, but only with the sacrifice of many virtuous people, including the elf captain. Theotin’s son also dies while helping defend his kingdom against evil. Next, the evidence of a quintessential hero is prominent in both stories.
Beowulf and Frodo both sacrifice their lives for mankind. They both risk their lives by performing an almost impossible task. For Beowulf it is his quest to defeat the raging Grendal, and for Frodo it is to deliver the sacred ring, without it falling into the wrong hands. Both are courageous and succeed against all odds.
Furthermore, the element of good always triumphing over evil is quintessential. Beowulf (the ultimate good) fights and defeats Grendal, and his mother (the ultimate evil. ) In the battle of Helms Deeps, the men of Rohan, along with the help of elves and ents are triumphant over Sauroman’s army of orc. Epic thematic parallels are prominent in both the film, The Lord of the Ring: Two Towers, and the poem of Beowulf. The quest to save mankind culminates in the triumph of good over evil.