Essay Critique Successful Technique Image

In this critique I will be explaining four of the techniques I have used in my argumentative essay. I will also show how two of these techniques have been successful and two that have not been successful. The first successful technique I used was emotive language, using powerful language which creates a vivid image in the readers’ mind, .”.. urine-smelling seats or chewing gum on the arm rests… .” This was successful because it creates an image in one’s mind and you conjure up your own experience.

I was trying to make the reader relate to the description, as most have had such an experience on London Transport, as it is still relied on by scores of commuters. This technique links to the title because it show’s that London is not worth coming to and backs up the title that London is a ‘Destination from Hell’. The second technique I used was that was successful was introducing the opposite view point introduced with a rhetorical question, .”.. it is a dump, or is it?” This was successful because it directly involves the reader as the question is directed towards the reader. Also because I am introducing a new view point which shows how many varied opinions there are on this subject. I was trying to make the reader feel involved by the technique.

This technique links to the title because the title itself is an opinion. One technique I used which was not successful was a short sentence that implies doubt, .”.. it is a dump, or is it?” It did not work because firstly, I do not like the way I have structured the sentence. Also I think it could have been worded better.

It would have been better, if I had thought about how to word the sentence more effectively. Another technique which was not successful was summing up with a vivid image and a definite conclusion, “I think that anyone in their right mind can think for themselves and come to the conclusion that London is not worth coming to, but to those who still believe that London is great, don’t worry there are enough stinking seats to go round!” It did not work because the image was not vivid enough, although it is a definite conclusion. If I were to write this again I would describe the image more and with more detail. Overall the techniques I used in the essay were good, however some did not prove successful as I have shown you above.