Brought Change To His Friends Peter Play Williamson

Change is an ongoing part of life, everything and everyone changes. In David Williamson’s play Money and Friends we see change in the main character of Peter. Peter’s change can be seen in his decision to be honest and later vindictive as well as his change of thoughts about his friends and friendships. These changes also have some important and positive effects on the other characters in the play, such as Penny, Alex, Vicki, Margaret and Conrad. One technique that Williamson uses in his play to show Peter’s change is through the narrator. He uses the character Margaret as the narrator in the play.

She introduces the play and the other characters and also ends it. Margaret has discussions with the audience, which keeps the play moving and keeps everyone up to date with what is happening both on and off the stage. At the beginning of the play Margaret describes her friends, and for Peter she says that he is considerate, peacemaker, gentle, and a listener to all of his friends problems. He agrees with what everyone says even if he doesn’t. As the play continued, Peter’s personality can been seen differently as he makes his decision to be honest with his friends and tells them what he really thinks, not what he used to do in the past. By the end of the play, it is learnt that Peter now likes to have his say, and doesn’t worry as much about the consequences of his actions.

He tells people his honest thoughts when they ask for his opinion. Peter has gained strength from his change. Another technique that Williamson uses in the play is . Williamson uses a number of instances of dramatic irony throughout the play. These include Peter being able to help other people but not being able to help himself from severe money troubles. Also the married couples are not friends but the non-married people are, such as Peter, Penny, and Margaret.

But later in the play, Peter is strong and his friends help him with his money troubles (however only to make themselves look good) and he wins in the end. Dramatic irony also brings change to Peter. Honesty brought change to Peter’s and his friend’s lives. Peter had his money troubles but didn’t want to go to his friends for help, like his friends go to him for help. Margaret ends up telling their friends and they give the money to him, only because Peter made them guilty by confronting them about their wealth and greed. Williamson also uses the technique of music throughout his play to set the scene and create the mood.

It also reinforces the main idea of the scene. An example of this is the use of Chicago’s – It’s hard to say I’m sorry when Alex and Vicki are apologising to Peter. This technique helps the reader to understand the scene and how the character would be feeling. It also helps Williamson to strengthen his message about friendships. Peter’s change also brought change to his friends. An example of this is Conrad and his attitude towards Justin.

At first Conrad had nothing to do with Justin, then established a relationship and friendship with him and paid for his university. This happened because Peter told Conrad how he really felt about his relationship with his son. Another example is Alex and Vicki. Peter being honest to them ended up helping their marriage, even though they were upset and angry with him first.

They were more honest with each other, and also changed their ideas about themselves as parents. This happened because Peter told each of them how he felt about their relationship. All of these examples show how Peter’s change brought change to his friends. In conclusion, Peter’s change in personality because of his decision to be honest has changed himself as a person and has also changed his friend’s lives.

David Williamson used many techniques in his play to show this change through, the narrator, dramatic irony, and music. Peter was then able to be more open with his thoughts and confident with his actions. His friends changed because of his honesty.