My family has unquestionably generated the greatest influence in my life. And when I speak of family, I speak not only of my parents and siblings, but also of my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Love, honesty, and respect are three important values of a strong family. Growing up, Tom had these all. He said, ” there was less mobility back then, so people stayed where they grew up” (Personal Interview). Therefore family life was a much stronger nucleus.
He also said, ” if someone sincerely strives for these attributes, everything else falls into place” (Personal Interview) and that is exactly what has happened for Tom. Because not only is he loving, honest, and respectful, he is a great business man, husband, and father. Through my parents, I experienced the true meaning of a home. A place of comfort, safety, love and belonging.
Through my siblings I learned to share the tangible and intangible aspects of life that make a home. And, through my extended family I found confirmation in the same values. It is this feeling of family and home that is ever present in my life. Knowing that there are people that care about me and about one another.
Knowing that there are people with whom I share this common bond. And, while each of us has been encouraged to pursue our own individual interests, we have been taught to respect the interests and welfare of others. It is a lesson taught more with actions than with words. A lesson taught to extend far beyond the immediate family. It is a lesson taught to be shared.
Home is where people feel a belonging. My family taught me about home and where I can find it. It is the house on the street where my family lives. It is Clearwater. It is Florida. It is the United States of America.
It can even be more than all that!