Frankenstein Monster Society Victor

Ben Ansley English 262 March 10 2003 Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein can be viewed as the twisted and tragic story of a grueling monster that is nothing but an outcast and threat to society, while the creator Victor Frankenstein cowardly runs from his own selfish mistake. Many look at the gigantic creature as a symbol of evil through out the novel, and even describes his own self as a hideous monster. Some may look at him as something that cares only to destroy human life. However, when studying and understanding his point of view is evidence to me may even leave him the victim. My two prime suspects are Victor Frankenstein and society as a whole. They are to blame for all the evil that is portrayed in the monsters actions.

After creating such an unusual and unique character, Victor takes no responsibility for it. The monster is completely helpless and has only a small idea about his identity. Unlike God and most parents Dr. Frankenstein brought it into the world with a spark and taught it nothing about survival or the difference between right and wrong. This leaves him very confused when experiencing internal feelings and gives him no choice but to act upon those feelings naturally.

With a primitive and uneducated mindset the monster begins to interact with society. His horrid appearance and enormous size, its rejection from society, and the abandonment by his only creator and guardian whom is also disgusted by its looks; hurts the monster deeply and it begins to get very lonely and miserable. At this point he also begins to feel anger towards Victor. He says here, ” Unfeeling, heartless creator! you had endowed me with perceptions and passions, and then cast me abroad an object for the scorn and horror of mankind.” (Page 984) After looking in the mirror he realizes how ugly he is and is disgusted at his own image.

Thus far, he has only one link to the world, which is Dr. Frankenstein.