Final Draft Grade Drafts Paragraph

One of the largest problems in marriages is the “m” word: money. If couples live together before marriage, they learn one another’s saving and spending styles. By sharing expenses, people learn not only how each person controls the purse strings but how to discuss finance matters with each other. It’s important for couples to figure out budget priorities before they are married, and this is difficult to do unless a person has been sharing expenses with his or her partner. If couples don’t have their financial issues in order, they are bound to surface, causing trouble in the marriage. Write an introduction that establishes your viewpoint.

Avoid a thesis that mimics the five- paragraph theme thesis. Write a paragraph in which you state Neff’s arguments and juxtapose them next to yours. Explain her points and explain why you agree or disagree with the points. Unlike traditional composition classes in which you turn in an essay every few weeks and receive a grade, you will be working on your essays continually, submitting drafts for evaluation. The portfolio system is beneficial for several reasons. It shifts the emphasis from a single draft to the overall writing process.

It also asks authors to evaluate the strength and weaknesses of their own writing. Revision becomes important rather than an after thought. Because I know students build dread and anxiety if they do not know their grade as the semester progresses, each draft will receive a pencil grade if you write a note asking for one. This grade is for the students’ benefit only. It will not be recorded in the grade book. The comments that accompany the pencil grade are more important because they will guide students during the revision process.

The focus on revision is more important than the pencil grade. Final drafts for grading will be submitted in the portfolio. At that time, you will submit a portfolio consisting of final drafts of your three strongest papers, as well as earlier work. All writers groups drafts and final drafts must be typed, 12 point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins and double spaced. Your final folder should include the following titled sections and materials: Profile In this profile, you will introduce yourself. Please include the following components: .

Name. E-mail address. Paragraph: In a paragraph of about 100 words, describe your interests, hobbies, family, or anything else that you would like people to know about you… Optional: photographs or personalized items. Table of Contents List the items by title; page numbers are not necessary. Following is a sample table.

Profile Table of Contents Goal Statement Accomplishments.