Guests of the Nation Frank O’Connor, the author of “Guests of the Nation”, was born Michael O’Donovan in Cork, Ireland, in 1903. “Guests of the Nation” talks about friendship and about war. Belcher and Hawkins are English prisoners of war, looked after by Noble, Bonaparte and Jeremiah Donovan. Belcher and Hawkins were handed over from the Second Battalion as British troops threatened to overrun the strongholds of the IRA forces. Since he immediately offered to help her with her chores, the elderly lady that owns the boardinghouse where they live has taken a liking to Belcher. The battle between Irish and British forces seem far removed from their lives.
During the evenings they sit together playing cards or arguing about things like religion. Bonaparte and Noble are unaware that they might have to kill their newfound friends until Donovan informs Bonaparte that the IRA have kept Belcher and Hawkins around in order that the IRA might retaliate if the British kill some of their hostages. Taken the newfound friendship between himself, Noble, and Bonaparte, he suggests switching sides and joining the IRA. Belcher sees the futility of the argument, understanding that there is no way of escaping their death. Remembering the friendly argument from the night before, Belcher states that Hawkins now knows better than anyone what comes after death.
He then tries to blindfold himself in preparation for the execution. In the last minutes before his death, he says that he has nothing against any of them, and he asks if they would write Hawkins’ mother. At the end noble and the old lady fell on their knees and began praying. Bonaparte gazing the sky wonders if he ever would be the same person as he used to be. Frank O’Connor states one fundamental truth: the killing of a person does not justify one’s Patriotism. Noble and Bonaparte can never rid themselves of the memory of the friends they were forced to kill.
In any armed conflict, the people on either side are not that different, and if they had gotten to know each other under different circumstances, they might even have been friends. Bonaparte is the central character. He is round and dynamic. He is the narrator of the story and his thoughts and actions are described in depth. He is dynamic because he changes from being alive and happy to become nearly stone cold dead and lost in sorrow of losing his two best friends. Bonaparte thinks “I was somehow very small and very lost and lonely like a child.” Frank O’Connor uses all three method of indirect characterization for Bonaparte, words, actions and thoughts.
An example of Bonaparte’s thoughts which shows his misery is “I don’t know how we got through that day, … .” An example of Bonaparte’s words of being confused and deeply disappointed with Jeremiah decisions is ” Is that the way, Jeremiah Donovan?” Finally, an example of Bonaparte’s actions with show is magnitude of sorrow is that he shuts his eyes and tries to pray. Although Hawkins is the minor character he is round. He figures in most of the story; critical events involve him, and his thoughts are described in great detail. Hawkins is static because his basic character does not change substantially in the story. His outstanding trait is his confidence in himself and in his two new friends.
Two methods of indirect characterization are used to present Hawking, his words and his actions. An example of his is .”.. I am a communist that’s what I am.” An example of his actions is that he wanted to know if noble was in it, and when Bonaparte says yes, he confronted Bonaparte and asked him that why they wanted to plug him. The other characters in the story are definitely minor Jeremiah Donovan is flat and static. He exists briefly during the execution of two British soldiers.
The old lady is flat and static. She appears very little in the story. Noble is also flat and static. He is na ” ive and young and gets carried away just like Bonaparte in the darkness of grief.