Films End Film Farm Windmill

The conclusion of in the animated film is fairly different to the novel of Animal Farm. Firstly, in the film the story is more told by pictures and narration, to explain what was happening and animation to emphasise and easily understand what was happening. However in the Novel the story was told more by speeches made by the animals. Secondly, in the film Snowballs death was much more explicit than in the novel, this is because more emphasis can be showed with animation rather than words. Therefore Snowballs death looked and was probably made more explicit because of the above reason. Thirdly, in the novel the name was changed from Manor farm to Animal farm after Jones was overthrown, however it was then changed back to the original name which was Manor farm as Napoleon believed that Manor farm was its original and proper name, however in the film the name of the farm remained as Animal farm.

Fourthly, a minor detail which is the plans for the windmill was drawn on a piece of paper in the film, however in the Novel the plans for the windmill were drawn on the floor. The film showed barbed wire and watchtowers surrounding the farm for protection, however the novel never mentioned this fact at all. The film showed an outlook of outside the farm as well as just in the farm. As it showed Jones going to the Red Lion pub, meeting his fellow farmers to make plans to overthrow the animals, however the novel does not show a view of the world outside the farm. In the film, the windmills story is condensed; once the windmill was built Jones strapped a bomb to himself and blew up the entire windmill after that the windmill was rebuilt, however in the novel after the windmill is built, it is blown down by a storm first and then after it is rebuilt Jones destroys it. The novel gives much more detail of Old Majors speech where as in the film it is condensed.

In the film Benjamin is portrayed as a hard worker and a hero, however in the novel he is shown as cynical and embittered. Benjamin and Boxer are very good friends. In the film both Boxer and Benjamin were woken up early to work towards the windmill, however in the novel only Boxer was woken up early. Also, as a minor change there are pictures of Napoleon all over the farm in the film, however in the novel there is no mention of this. Finally, going towards the conclusion, in the film it ends by the animals overthrowing the Pigs, however in the novel it concludes by the pigs remaining in power. A minor change which made it easier for the animals to overthrow the pigs was the fact that the pigs in the film was that the dogs which Napoleon had for the protection of himself, were drunk due to wine at the end of the film, however in the novel there was no mention of this fact.

In the end in the film Napoleon was meeting with other fellow pigs, however in the novel Napoleon was meeting with Mr. Pilkington (a human). Those are most of the changes between the film and the novel. Following is which ending is more effective, the film or the novel. As you can see the film had major changes compared to the novel. The two endings had different morals.

The Film ended by the animals overthrowing the pig, which has the moral: Good Triumph Over Evil The novel ended by Benjamin just making a statement and no action was taken, so the pigs remained in power so there are two morals: The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same And Power Corrupts In my opinion the films ending is more effective, as it is more of a happy ending, and it shows that another revolution can occur if someone becomes too cocky or power mad. Which shows this is a never-ending story. That is why I think the films ending was more effective.