Harper Lee’s To kill a mocking bird is a very compelling story about racism, friendship, and family. Throughout the story meaning is shaped in many different ways. It is mainly shaped through close observation by people, also by the story being told through the voice and eyes of scout, Jean, and also through exaggeration made by some people from aspects of the book. The story starts off with scout, as a woman, introducing to us Jem, her brother, Atticus, her father, Dill, her friend, and Culprunia, the house maid and chef. The book is presented to you in first person and past tense.
This shapes the meaning of the story by scout telling the story and informing the reader about who is in the story, where the story is set, what are the complication in the story and the resolution in the story. Exaggeration of the truth in the story is another way meaning is shaped in the story. She showed exaggeration by the way the kids portray boo, the so called psycho guy next door, as a weird person who only comes out at night time and walks around may comb looks into people’s windows. They also exaggerate the appearance of him as well with saying that he has a huge scar down his face when in reality he is very ordinary looking guy. Another aspect of exaggeration is the way the Negro being accused for raping Ewell’s wife is made out to be guilty when in reality all aspects shown by Atticus, his lawyer, that proves the Negro was innocent. The reason for this exaggeration from E wells is due to his family no really being anybody in the town except for him being white skinned and that is why people in the town mainly believed in his and his wife’s story.
The meaning is shaped from the exaggeration of the story is by making the story more interesting and more suspenseful.