Ideas On Modernism Modern Man

MODERNISM Victorianism – Modernism has its roots in the 19 th century and it covers the great majority of that century. The century has a change in the ways of life. – Victorianism refers to the Queen Victoria when she ruled England in 1837-1901. That time England was a great country.

That had it influence on the types of people’s life. – In 1840 the second period of the industrial revolution begun. England changed from cultural society to an industrial society. There were growth in every field of life and that was in a positive way. New lands were taken and new elements were found and that made a change in the way of thinking. So social relations changed because of economic and due to that individualism started.

So there was a change in every aspect of life towards good or bad. – Ideals changed which means faith changed. So the new faith for the became science and it is the prime motive for the movement. – Modernism has gone under 3 stages.

1- Optimism: it begun with great illusion of saving man and giving him the security in 1840-1900. 2- Skepticism: in 1900-1939 there was two economic recessions and 1 st world war. Problems have started; there were poverty and unemployment. So people started to ask questions about science.

So it is a period of doubt about the scientific achievements and their future. 3- Disillusionment: the 2 nd world war was the last event that destroyed the illusion of science. People is suffering from science and it is clear now that it is the curse not the bless. All that started in 1954 till now.

– After the 2 nd world war literature changed because of it and also the human attitude to life changed. The 2 nd world war was a great shock for man. -“Look Back in Anger” is a play by John Osb roue written in 1952. it talks about the anger of the lies about science in the past. So it shows that the modern man suffers the present because the past has proved to be a lie; which means that the future is gloomy and uncertain. Jimmy Poster, the leading character in the play, says “Nobody thinks, nobody cares.

No beliefs, no convictions and no enthusiasm. Just another Sunday evening!” . These lines summarize the tragedy of man. – So man moved from illusion to active commitment to ideals and falling to reality to passive isolation and alienation. That happened because of: 1. Nationalism: it changed into colonialism.

So it was abused and worse than that colonialism changed to racism. 2. Religion: all colonial countries used religion as a means of colonialism by making the soldiers able to fight and kill for their countries. 3. Science: it is used as a means of destruction. These 3 ideals were abused due to that the tragedy of man happened.

– “Greek Tragedy and the Modern World” is a book written by Leo Allen in 1954. In it the author talks about the western tradition which lies on united church and the scientific method that caused man misery. When we talk about united church we talk about spiritual sphere. When we talk about the science we talk about physical sphere. So the modern man suffers like the ancient man. – Instead of active participation in building the world based on nationalism, religion and science, the modern man suffers from those ideals.

So it begun to means nothing to him. – Man at the beginning of the movement was at the move to reach self-realization. From this the modern man found himself on the run. So he was full of hope on the move but on the run he became full of fear. Also he fears from the other. – The conclusion that the modern man reached is that he is rootless and future less..