Nowadays, women have their own career and free-will to do what pleases them. However, women in the 16 th century were treated differently and it was believed that they were the instruments of the devil. Females were te authors of the original sin who lured men away from God and salvation. They were the only imperfections of God’s creation.
Women’s only function was to get married and have children. Girls in Shakespeare’s day hardly had any freedom. They were raised to obey their parents, especially their father without question. Education was very rare for girls and only the rich could afford it. It’s aim was to produce wives that would behave in a godly manner. They were not to be taught to problem solving and be independent thinkers.
A girl’s chance of marriage depended on the we lth and soca il position of her family. When the girl was married, her obedience was transferred to her husband, with all of her belongings and money. If she left her husband, she could not take anything with her. Men thought that a loving, submissive wife was a gift form God. Women had no career opportunities, no p[oli tical power and no control over their property. The only influence for a woman was in the home.
Women form the upper calss were the head of the servants and gave orders to them. In the lower calss, the wife was expected to do all the housework and look after the children. In the male dominated world, God ruled the universe, the KIng ruled his country, and a husband ruled his family. There was no way for females to escape form te prejudices they had in Shakespeare’s time..