A revolutionary attitude is one whereby a for cable overthrow of a government or social order (in favor of a new system) is expected to lead to politcal change. The book ‘Animal Farm’ is a prime example of a revolution. A powerful takes action and changes the way the animals think and act, for a change in the hierarchy. The inspiration from the book comes from the Russian Revolution adn the idea of communism and the important authority figure is an incredibly respected pig known as Old Major. This directly reflects Lenin, in Russia. All ready, the name signifies a strong figure, ‘major’ reminding people of a politcal or military movement.
Old Major encourages his fellow animals on animal farm. He establishes the base of the book by using his speech, which is a mix of Marxism and Leninism. He suggest a Utopian vision of society where the cruelty and suffering of animals are a distant memory. By doing this, he presents complex politcal ideas in teh simplest readable form. Old major starts his speech by mentioning that he is old. “I do not think comrades, that I will be with you for many months longer, and before I die, I feel it my duty to pass on to you such wisdom that I have required.” This helps the animals understand his relevance and importance.
They will listen to him because he acknowledges his own weakness indicating he is not pompous. It is a speech with a higher or elevated importance and it is his last words. Old Major then begins to paint pictures and picks out respectable members of the animal farm and then recounts their unjust tales of horror. He deliberately mentions disturbing things such as dogs being drowned in old age. This helps to unfuriate his listeners, who realise how ill they have been treated. When talking about his fellow animals, he takes with never ending descriptions However, the descriptions are then used as a very sharp contrat to how Old Major talks about humans.
He quickly isolates man as a danger. From a deep respected description of an animal to a sharp deadly point, which is clear cut about humans, teh contrast convinces animals because of the dramatic difference. Old Major also suggests alternative lifestyles for animals who are weak and for the whole community at large. By showing the animals their eventually fate and convincing them that eh can change it, Old Major manages to motivate the animals convincingly and his determination is only more authentic. “Almost overnight we could become rich and free.” Old Major uses words which are key suggestions towards a revolution. He uses the terms ‘comrades’, ‘rebellion’ and ‘victorious’.
By combing such words with a personal tone, Old major conveys a very emotional message. He infuses the past generations, the present generation and the future generation to create an image or legacy. During the speech interution involving rats, gives Old Major and opportunity to approach the subject of whether rats are fit enough to be considered animals. He approaches the subject with care acting neutral and allowing his ‘comrades’ to make the choice. Animals would consider this an act of self depreciaiton to further allow them to acknolege he is trustowrthy and fair. Lastly, Old Major specifies any resmeblace to man is forbidden.
He is determined to survive without the help of a human. This proves his true loyalty to his animals making him sound inspirational. “No animal must live in a house or sleep in a bed, or wear clothes, or drink alcohol, or smoke tobacco, or touch money or engage in trade.” Eventually, Old Major ends his speech by indicating a dream. This makes him sound immensley important, and almost propehtic. “And now comrades, I will tell you about my dream of last night. It was a dream of the earth as it will be when Man has vanished.
” His dream is an important, if not fascinating and motivating element for the ‘comrades.’ In conclusion, Old Major uses self depreciation and long lost ideas to help his animal communtiy. He motivates them by introducing a song, or even a chant. He makes sure that lal the animals are one and thier prime target is to seperate themselves as far as possible form humans, including thier thoughts and politcal methods of ruling a country. His speech indicates people rule themselves and ther is no authority figure. “No animal must ever tyrannize over his own kind.”.