In The Skin Of A Lion

IN the essay “Texts are never objective: they convey a sense of what is important in the lives of both the composer and the responder” In the text you have read, what is valued by the composer and by the responder? Michael Ondaatje’s “In the skin of a lion” conveys a sense of what is important in the lives of both the composer and the responder through presenting the values of each. Ondaatje the composer values the aesthetic and literacy qualities of the text, true history and communication. The responder also values the aesthetic and literacy qualities of the text along with the personal growth of Patrick and the heroes of the text. Through looking at the values of the composer and responder Ondaatje conveys a sense of what is important in the lives of both the composer and the responder.

In “In the Skin of a Lion” the responder values the heroes. The novel challenges the people who appear to be heroes in society – the rich and the famous, people such as Commissioner Harris and Ambrose Small by exposing their malice and disregard for human life. From a postcolonial reading Harris and Small represent the imperial power and suppression by the upper class. Through revealing the corruptness and malice of these so-called heroes Ondaatje brings the true heroes into the spotlight – the workers. “The character that most obviously embodies the characteristics of a hero is Nicholas Temelcloff”, write Karen Overbye in “Remembering the body: constructing the self as hero in “In the Skin of a Lion” further adding “his spectacular saving of the nun, something that is kept secret for years, resembles the action of a superhero.” A postcolonial reading would also site that both Small and Harris are based upon real people – emphasizing the fact that, while records were kept of the upper class, no records were kept of the workers themselves. “Do you know how many of us died in there? There was no record kept.” With no records kept acknowledging the workers contribution this demonstrates that historical records don’t always paint a true picture of history.

Ondaatje values true history and presents it through the workers and immigrants stories, which blur the boundaries between fact and fiction making “In the Skin of a Lion metafiction.” This pastiche created through metafiction demonstrates how “In the skin of a lion” can be read as postmodern text. When Temelcoff realizes “how he has been sewn into history he decides he will begin to tell stories” to appropriate his own life. It is through these stories that the reader learns the life of the worker / immigrant and gains a value for the true history of Toronto. The responder values the heroes in “In the skin of a lion.” Ondaatje values the communication of the characters in “In the Skin of Lion” particularly that of Patrick. When Patrick first arrives in Toronto “he’s a immigrant in the city” due to his lack of communication skills. This alienation of individuals in society show how “In the skin of a Lion” can be viewed as a Post-modern text.

Patrick’s lack of communication skills means he ends up working with the immigrants as they communicate through body language and gesture. From a feminist reading it can be seen that Patrick holds up the superior masculine stereo-types as an ideal. However despite the strength of these figures it is the women in the story that influence Patrick and enable him to discover himself. From a feminist reading the role of women in “In the skin of a Lion” is too challenge the 1920’s view of women. Ondaatje challenges the 1920’s expectations of women by placing Clara and Alice well ahead of their time. Both are sexually liberated and unmarried.

This raw feminism they display contrasts to the passive wife and nurturing mother which was the ideals of a mother in 1920. Clara and Alice transformed Patrick in that they helped bring him to maturity and to an understanding of his body. Critic Karen Overbye states, “Part of Patrick’s understanding of himself comes through his understanding of his body.” Patrick finds himself through his deep love for Alice Gull: “She has delivered him out of nothing.” The reader values the personal growth of Patrick through the text. Through his relationship with Alice and Clara Patrick gains communication, this is shown to the audience through the novel in that its Patrick’s oral tale.

Communication is valued by Ondaatje in his text “In the skin of a Lion.”In the Skin of a Lion” can be valued for its Literacy Qualities and Aesthetic value. Ondaatje uses poetic language to give the text its aesthetic value. “In the Skin of a Lion is a poem to workers and lovers’s tates Maxine Hong Kingston with Graham Swift further adding to this idea by writing “Ondaatje defies the normal distinction between poet and novelist.” The poetic language “His mind skates across old conversations. The past drifts into the air like an oasis and he watches himself within it. The girl’s eyes that night when he was eighteen were like tunnels into kindness and lust and determination which he loved as much as her white stomach and her ochre face”, is just one of the examples of the poetic language Ondaatje uses which shows how he and the responder can value the text. The motifs of insects, light, dark, threat, water, fire, air and earth that Ondaatje uses throughout the text add to its aesthetic value and create more reasons as to why the text can be valued by the composer.

The responder values Ondaatje’s uses of motifs as they enable them to experience the multi-facets of the workers life. The aesthetic and literacy qualities in “In the Skin of a Lion” are valued by the responder and composer. Through interpreting “In the Skin of a Lion” from Post Colonial, Post Modern and Feminist readings combined with critics articles it can be seen how Ondaatje the composer values, Communication true history and literacy and aesthetic qualities and the responder values the heroes, personal growth of Patrick and literacy and aesthetic qualities.