Belizean Literature It was not until September 21 st, 1981 that Belize became an independent country. Before that time Belize was known as British Honduras. At that time the citizens of British Honduras were enslaved in many forms. One form of enslavement was their restriction from expressing themselves. Most of the literacy works were alien to the Belizean culture. However, after independence, more and more individuals began to use different forms of expressing themselves.
One medium that is being used to express ones view is through literature / poetry . In Belize today, there are many poets and writers. However, many of these individuals are falling into the traps of the politics / politicians . As a result many of their literary works are being used for a specific political purpose; while this may be good to foster a sense of nationalism.
It should not be directed for the fulfillment of a particular political agenda. Its main focus is to engineer creativity in the! SS mind eyes!” and to promulgate the beauty of ones country nature, culture and historical perspective. Literature is to stimulate thought of ones feelings about the world and its splendor, thus reflecting the flora and fauna, history and culture of one! |s country. The beauty of it is the multiple interpretations that can be derived from one literary work. This in a nut shell is the whole idea behind literature. Literature used in its completeness, should create critical thinkers and as such reflect the culture and history of our ancestors and the aspirations of youths.
However, if literature is used for a specific political purpose one does get the opportunity to broaden their intellectual capacity in creativity of expression as the theme and idea of the literary work is understood before it is even read. Everyone knows that a political piece of writing limits the true perspective of nationhood. It is either bashing the other party or selling empty promises and dreams. Having literature serve a specific political purpose limits the individual as a writer. There are many other aspects of society that an individual can choose from to write about. For example, in society today there many social issues that are plaguing the country of Belize.
Literature can be used as a means of increasing the public awareness of current events and to promote and comprehend many social issues. It is to educate the people and motivate young Belizean. Just recently a young woman made a speech about her future aspirations and one of them was to become a great writer like Ms. Zee Edge.
The purpose of literature is to create creative thinkers. Literature should not serve a political purpose, but inculcate national values. The values of the Belizean society have deteriorated dramatically. There seems to be no sign of patriotism in this country anymore. Many individuals at the sound of the national anthem continue to do whatever it was that they were engaged in; whether they are having a conversation or simply moving about. A large part of this problem stems from politics.
Clearly, literature should not serve a specific political purpose. The sole purpose of literature is to educate and for literature to be a form of education, then it must be honest, credible, must not be misleading, and truly reflecting the mores culture of the Belizean people. If literature serves a political purpose its objectivity will be lost. Literature should give people the opportunity to think for themselves – if it is political then there will always be a hidden agenda, and more than likely that agenda would promote the political party that is in power and not the history and economical aspiration of the populace. Examples of some good local literature which heralds the Belizean national outlook and contributes to the development of nationhood can be found in Belizean Poets Part 3.