Is the U. S Looking For That’s a good question. Osama Bin Laden is on of the most wanted men by the CIA. They ” ve been saying this for the last eight years If they were really looking for him they would have got him when the 1998 bombing of the American Embassies in Africa and last years attack on the USS Cole in Yemen (The Trial Of Evidence & The Warning. 2003. web feb 2003.
) web) Bin Laden is an immensely wealthy and private man. He also a very shy man he doesn’t like a lot of attention (The Trial Of Evidence &The Warning. 2003. web 2003) web He is very protected by the Afganistan Ruling Taleban Movement. So while they have him very proceed he has called a Holly war against the U. S and for killing of American Jews (The Trial of Evidence & The Warning.
2003. web Feb 2003 web Osama Bin Laden is in his mid 40’s and he’s 6’7 to 6’8 long beard. He was born in Saudi Arabia to a Yemen family Bin Laden left to fight against the soviet’s of Afghanistan (The Trial Of Evidence &The Warning 2003 web Feb 2003 web Later on down the road he received security training from the CIA itself (Who is Osama Bin Laden. web) Wholes in The Theory. He’s the CIA’s most wanted man but yet they give him training. Theres something wrong with that picture terrorism experts say that Bib Laden has been saving millions to fund attacks against the U.
S. This man is wanted for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing The killing of 19 American soldiers in Saudi Arabia, The 1998 Bombing in Kenya and Tanzania The 1998 bombing of the American Embassies in Africa and last but not least the 9/11 attacks (The Trail Of Evidence &The warning web Asia / lss 1100). But yet he’s a really shy man. When September 11 hit that was a day of pain and anger. When George Bush came on T. V and that they will pay for this were going to punish them for what they did.
He had the citizens of the U. S thinking that were going hit them with the atom bomb. But no he is dropping food to the country that just bombed the hell out of us that’s weird we get bombed then we send them food and we don’t retaliate back with force. He’s sending tapes almost every week telling the U.
S to watch out because there was going to be another attack real soon. Saying that we messed with the wrong country and that of he feels threaten that he will not hesitate to do it again. Osama is living the life right now, he got revenge on the U. S and no one can find him. He is rich his people do will do whatever he says.
All over the news they say that we are finally going to war with Bin Laden and his Troops but the only thing wrong with this picture is that they let the whole world know there next move. The U. S is helping him something is really going on because if your looking for someone you don’t broadcast your next move on television. The president is not taking enough force the day it happened the next day we should have hit them with the same force. Now were just wasting men on something that could have been resolved in a week.
If you think about it the U. S will spend Billions of dollars to send a man into space but we can’t find one guy. The pieces just don’t fit Fear is a Factor. The U. S is afraid of his next move that’s why we don’t go in. But if we wait to long then it might be to late for the U.
S. He could strike at anytime that’s why need to take force before the whole world is in danger because of one guy that we should have took out a long time ago. This is getting way out of hand the U. S is supposed to be richest country in the world and have the best technology in the world (computers, dvd players, readers, bombs) but we can’t find one man. If you think about it the U. S is on a string and the puppet master is Bin Laden is the puppet master.
Whatever he says or does he has control over what we do. The U. S is a nice place to be it’s supposed to be the land of the free according to the Constitution. People shouldn’t have to worry if Bin Laden is going to attack us tomorrow. Is The President Doing The Right Thing? Bush is suppose to protect the U. S but he’s really not doing a good job.
Osama Bin Laden sends tapes of what he is going to do next and the president takes it as a joke. Bin Laden is not playing because he has done it once he’s not afraid to do it again. If he does it again the president will just send them some more food. The president acts like he is willing to do something about it but he never really does.
He thinks that he is solving something by going to war but he’s just wasting men and time. War isn’t going to solve anything it’s just going to make Bin Laden happier because he gets to kill more American troops. The U. S is a much stronger and powerful country and the president knows it but he just to precautions but he can’t be like that because you always have to stay a step ahead of the enemy. He has hit us too many times for us to just go to war its pay back time we get him and destroy his country and their pride. Hostage Treatment Not to long ago they had a reporter hostage they were using him to get what they wanted from us I don’t know if he gave them much information from us but either way they killed that man because he was an American reporter.
We also took a couple of their men that were suspected of working for Bin Laden and we have not harmed in any way shape or form we feed them they didn’t feed that man that they had hostage they also beat him for information. The U. S is too nice to enemy the enemy just pushes us around. The Mysterious Tapes On February 12 the country’s intelligence chief warned today that the latest tape message attributed to Osama Bin Laden was ”exhortation of his followers” (Bin Laden Tapes Hint At Attacks, CIA says 03 web). Like the statements made by the terrorist leader last year that were quickly followed by deadly attacks over seas.
So in other words he’s telling his men to get ready to go do something else to the U. S. A man by the name George J. Trent says that “two previous message attributed to Mr. Bin Laden on October 6 and November 12, were followed within days by terrorist strikes against American and other targets overseas (Bin Laden Tapes Hint Attacks, CIA says 03 web).
What Bin Laden has said in the past has often been followed by attacks. On Friday the Bush administration warned Americans that they were at high risk of a terrorist attack raising the national threat to it’s second highest level. Security Raises The U. S is now Very strong on security but it shouldn’t have to take a man to high jake a plane and run into a building for us to get more serious. Bin Laden has proven to be a dangerous man and it’s crazy how the president takes him for granted and his people they are crazy. Security use to be real calm now you ” re a suspect at the airport you have to take of your shoes they make you feel as if you are the one who is going to blow up the plane.
Now there’s armed forces at every checkpoint. Also if your not getting on the plane you can’t even go to the gate to see your family or friends off Bin Laden has changed the U. S forever. Think About It This man has been doing a lot to the U. S and all we can do as citizens is sit back and watch him destroy the beautiful land that we live on. The government seems to be ok with it so does the president so if he’s ok with it we should too.
The president is not really taking part in this whole thing he’s just waiting to see what is going to happen next so he can come on T. V and try to be a hero that he’s not. If he were a true president or hero he would have done something about this a long time ago it has almost been three years for us to do something. You can’t really put the blame all on Bush because when Clinton was in office he did the same thing. Prevent September 11 In An Interview with an Arab journalist less than a month before the September attacks Bin Laden mentioned a new unprecedneted attack that he was planning against the united states (Stewart 49). He had never reluctant to express his hate for the U.
S he saw the United States as a wickedness and corruption and said that is was a holy duty for Muslims to kill Americans (Stewart 50). Being killed for Allah’s cause is a great honor achieved by only those who are elite of the nation (wheeler 50) He also tells reporters that they love this kind of death of Allah’s cause as much as we like to live (Stewart 50). Holding Up I was watching the news the other day and President Bush came on TV and said that within 48 hours that we may be going to war. It’s about time that we take some action we need to do that as soon as he does something to us we need to hold up to are rep. I know that he gave them some orders to follow if they don’t follow them then we are go to war. We still have to be careful because you can’t trust someone who has been tormenting us for eight years.
Osama Bin Laden will stab us in the back again. Bin Laden is holding up to his rep are we? Works Cited Page 1. Bin Laden Tape May Hint At Attack CIA says 13 Feb 2003 web > 2. Stewart Gail, B America Under Attack september 11 2001. San Francisco, Lucent books 2002 49-50 3.
The Trail Of Evidence&The Warning 27 Feb 2003 web > 4. Wheeler, Jill C September 11 2001 The Day That Changed America. Minnesota ABDO&Daudgters 2002 #50 5. Who is Osama Bin Laden? 13 Feb 2003 web Aisa / lss 1100 stm.