Journeys Through My Mind

I draw inside my mind, Beautiful visions that I try to hold on to for as long as possible Before it dissipates, becoming the warm gray mist that surrounds me. My mind is an island of sanity in an insane world, Or a small piece of my own kind of insanity in an unforgiving reality. My mind turns a dull experience into a moment to remember. When the world grows cold, snow and ice covering the ground, I focus all of my attention inside, And memories of that special place to which only I have access. I travel through some memories, Around others. Although only a few have had the insight and courage to journey through my mind, None return without a fragment to keep and to remember.

This poem was written in a depressive time of my own life. I find that writing poems like this help me express my self. a a d d df e fsf sg sgd sg gs dgfsdf dg sfg fh gghbg d d d s d er t rt rt g h h u g de r g g f d erf f g g h h hj j y t f d d e rgd h gh gh e tht hj reorg fw f wf f gr trh tg rg eh ergheht big h d sf sdg f g fg fg frf f f df ef eg eg hg th th tht h th eh e qg f f f d d e fr e t ty h h u h tyr tr t r rf f ete t ry ty h t ty t hth ty ty.