Julius Ceasar Caesars Death

One of William Shakespeare’s most well known plays is Julius Ceasar. This is the story based on the beggining of the Roman Empire, opens with conflict, the plebeians versus the tribune. first the leader, Julius Ceasar is killed. Caesar’s loyal friend, Mark Anthony and bodyguard, has a split personality. In one way, he is sad by the death of his close friend but on the other hand he is clever and slick and takes advantage of . He reveals his clever personality while he is giving his speech at Caesar’s funeral.

He used many things to get the people on his side. and even tears are used in order to persuade the people that Caesar’s death was wrong and must be avenged by killing the murderers. In his heart, he feels pain even though he does take advantage of Caesar’s death. One of the murderers involved in Caesar’s death Cassius, also has a split personality, but not as much as Anthony. He had more common sense than the other people involved in the murder, but the rest of them did not appreciate his smart thinking. Many times he knew he was right in his plans, but he didn’t have the courage to persist, Finally, Caesar himself, He was, smart, charismatic, and arrogant.

he tried to appear perfect, defending himself against any bad rumours that came across. When Anthony first offered him the crown the, He pushed him away not wanting to appear vulnerable in public. but, once we see him as his private self, at home with his wife, we see how really vulnerable he is. As his wife warns him not to go out. He’s not sure if he believes himself and he weakens. When the people that are going to kill him, come to get him, their agreement with him weakens his personality and he decides to go.

This shows how much the public opinion meant to him. Shakespeare an expert at showing human traits, and all his characters have multi personalities. He has set an example for future writers to come.