Autobiography Just Three Little Words It’s funny the things you remember from your childhood. I can remember bits and pieces, but there is one experience that is so clear and stands out from all the rest. I remember it like it was yesterday, and this changed my little world at the time. It all started with three little words, but I will start from the beginning. I was seven at the time and my brother Matthew was nine. We lived in a small house but it had just been extended to add on another bedroom.
This was because my Mum was pregnant and I was no longer going to be the youngest in the family. Matthew wanted a boy and I wanted a girl. I remember going to Nana and Pa’s for the day and my Mum feeling her contractions that morning. Late in the afternoon when it was about time for my Mum to have the baby my Dad took her to the hospital, while Matthew and I stayed at my Nana and Pa’s. The day soon turned to night, and I tried to stay up as long as I could to hear the news of the new member to our family. But my little eyes could not take it anymore I soon fell asleep.
My Pa placed me into bed in the spare room while Matthew stayed up to hear the news over the phone. Late into the night I had been woken up my Matthew whispering in my ear repeating over and over again three little words “It’s a boy” You may not know it but that was when my little life changed, and it was all for the best. A few days after, we went to see Mum and our new baby brother Michael in hospital. When I held Michael for the first time I was so happy and Dad even took a photo that I will never forget. I didn’t care that he was a boy and I still don’t today. When we had taken Mum and Michael home for the first time, that’s when I noticed big changes.
The little things that Mum and Dad used to do for me were now over. They hardly had anytime in the mornings before school for me. This was because they were taking care of Michael. No Mum to give me my breakfast and doing my hair.
I then had to become independent and do all the little things for myself. You may think that this is sad but really it’s not. I was proud that I was now taking care of myself. I knew that Michael had to be taken care of a little bit more then me.
I ‘m really happy to have Michael as my brother. For I had learnt to become independent.