Porphyro Suggests Madeline Virginity

. “Seemed taking flight for heaven, without a death” Christianity believes in life after death. One goes to either heaven or hell once they die and it is impossible for one to do so when they are still alive. This line suggests something that takes place before its time (too early). Madeline’s loss of virginity. “Past the sweet Virgin’s picture…

.” Suggests that she is past her “virginity” period. Foreshadows that she’s going to lose her virginity… “His prayer he saith, this patient, holy man; / Then takes his lamp, and rise th from his knees,” Suggests that the duty’s done… “Imprisoned in black, purgatorial rails” Purgatorial = A state in which the souls of those who have died in grace must expiate their sins Back to innocence Foreshadows that a loss in innocence is going to take place… “Knights, ladies, praying in dumb orat ” ries” Dumb = Lacking the power of speech. Used of animals and inanimate objects.

orat ” ries = oratories = A place for prayer, such as a small private chapel. Symbolizes. .”.. harsh penance on St. Agnes’s Eve:” Penance = An act of self-mortification or devotion performed voluntarily to show sorrow for a sin or other wrongdoing. Back to innocence Foreshadows that a loss in innocence is going to happen…

“The carved angels, ever eager-eyed” Symbolizes how people shape religion instead of shaped by the religion. Symbolizes how people do not care about anything else but their own self… “The music, yearning like a god in pain” Suggests that God and humans do not get along (When humans are having fun, god is “yearning in pain.”Save to St. Agnes and her lambs unshorn” Lambs = symbol of innocence Madeline, like the unshorn lambs is innocent; it is ironic that the next morning the lambs will be shorn just as Madeline will be shorn or “deflowered.”.. “Porphyro” Porphyro means purple. Priests only wear purple cape on mourning/ sorrowful events.

The existence of Porphyro in Madeline’s life would bring Madeline sorrow… “That he might gaze and worship all unseen;” 10 commandments = “Do not worship anything else but Me (God) ” Porphyro is not loyal… “And on her silver cross soft amethyst,” Silver = metallic white ‘a a mixture of purity (white) and royalty (silver). A point when Madeline has to choose whether to keep her virginity to herself or give it to “Porphyro.”.. “She seemed a splendid angel, newly dressed,” Suggests that Porphyro sees her just like an angel but she’s not that she’s a different type of “angel” (“newly dressed”)…

“Anon his heart revives her vespers done,” Vespers = bell that summons worshippers to pray. Suggests that she is over her “holy ” days, that she is ready to lose her virginity… “But dares not look behind” Biblical illusion = in the bible, Lot’s wife was warned not to look back or she would be turned into a rock. She did and she was turned into a rock. Symbolizes how some women don’t think twice before doing something, despite of the warning that’s been given, perhaps they do it out of their curiosity…

“Manna” Biblical illusion – a food miraculously supplied to the Israelites. Symbolizes magical powers.