Life How Mankind Came Into Existence English 122

Life: How Mankind came into Existence. English 122 Since the beginning of time man has asked the question where did we come from? Many people believe that an almighty God is responsible for the creation of life as it is today. Others believe that man kind evolved from a lesser life form that existed millions of years ago. But could there be a common ground between these two theories.

Ever since the theory of evolution originated over one hundred years ago some people didn’t want to believe it. However, since the facts showed evidence towards evolution and a God, the new theory of Theistic Evolution came forward. The new theory of Theistic Evolution will not only prove itself but will also disprove the ideas of Creationism and Evolution. The facts of Theistic Evolution will prove that God exists, that he created mankind, and gave mankind the ability to evolve and better ourselves.

What is Creationism? Since Theistic Evolution takes common ground from Creationism we must first see what Creationism is. As defined from about. com “Creationism is the religious doctrine opposed to the naturalistic evolution that life on this planet was created by a special unique act of God. Creationism goes beyond the traditional religious belief however in asserting that the belief can be proven empirically and scientifically.” (Creationism, 2003) Creationism is the basis for the belief structure for a Creationist. A creationist believes in two major ideas. The first one being that God created the Earth, the animals, and Mankind.

And the second one being that the earth is very young. The writings in the Bible back both of these ideas up. God created all is the first and major belief of a creationist. In the New American Bible in Genesis chapter 1 versus 1-27 tells the story of creation of how God created the earth.

It tells how God created all that lives and is on earth (1992, p. 4). For a creationist this is an absolute truth to there belief because it is proof for the Creation Theory. Creationist also believe in is a young earth. According to a creationist the earth is only 5000-6000 years old. The reason for this is that if the Bible shows the creation of the earth.

From that the Bible talks about the chronological order of time in which events happen. This only adds up to between 5000 and 6000 years old. God created man at the beginning of time and since the events of man only span 5000 to 6000 years that how old the earth must be. What is Evolution? Also because the theory of Evolution adds to Theistic Evolution it is important to know what exactly evolution is. As defined in Biology 5 th edition Evolution is defined as “any natural change in the frequency of alleles within a gene pool, from one generation to the next.” (Curtis and Barnes, 1989, p 974) An allele is “the pieces of DNA that cause a particular trait.” (VonRoeschlaub, 1998) Evolution can now be defined as, the natural change of frequency in particular traits within a gene pool from one generation to the next. The process of evolution is when a particular weaker allele is removed from the gene pool and a new allele replaces it.

Evolution occurs naturally in all life. Evolutionists believe that the process of evolution is true and it can be proven scientifically. Evolutionists believe in and old earth theory and the “Soupy Seas” theory. The old earth theory is that the earth is millions of years old. The “Soupy Seas” theory is that life originated from a sea of the basic life elements. Evolution takes thousands of years to occur.

The earth then must be very old. Chris Stassen a leading expert on the subject states, .”.. the age for the earth and the rest of our solar system is about 4. 55 billion years (old) ” (Stassen, 1997).

Scientific testing has proved this true within 1% margin of error (Stassen, 1997). Evolutionists also believe that life came from a soupy sea of carbon and water. These seas mixed together and single cell organisms came about. These organisms eventually grew into multi-cell organisms, which became a basis for all life that exists today (Drew, 2000). What is Theistic Evolution? Theistic Evolution is the common ground between both Creationism and Evolution. Theistic Evolutionists believe in “a) an old earth, b) wholly natural processes responsible for life a we see it, once the initial matter was brought into existence by God, c) a figurative interpretation of the Genesis account of Creation” (What is, 2002).

Theistic Evolution is the fact a God exists he created the world and gave all living life the process of evolution. (VonRoeschlaub, 1998) How is Theistic Evolution Proved? Simple prove that God exists and he created mankind, and prove that there is evolution. Now that there is three possible answers to our question on How Life came to be, which one is correct? All three have valid points but both evolution and creationism have something that disproves the other. Thus Theistic Evolution will come out as the answer to our big question. Two things easily disprove creationism. One of those is the young earth theory.

It cannot be held as truth; because, scientific testing has proven that the earth is around 4. 5 billion years old (Stassen, 1997). With that the 5000-6000 year old young earth just does not exists. The other major thing that disproves creationism is the fact that evolution does occur in living creatures. Research from a scientific study in 1988 shows that at the beginning of the 19 th Century only preferred to infest Hawthorn trees but during the century moved into apple trees. This is a form of evolution they are adapting to new environments by inheriting a new allele passed down.

Author for Talk Origins, Joseph Boxhorn states .”.. studies show that host preferences are inherited… .” (1995). It is proof that evolution exists and disproves creationism. Not only do animals have the ability to evolve but also mankind does. John Stephenson, a professional on the subject of evolution has found proof of mankind evolution.

One of the earliest forms of man Homo habilis had a brain capacity of 500-800 cc, next in the line the Homo erectus brain evolved into a 1250 cc brain capacity and from that the current line of mankind the Homo Sapien Sapien gained a brain capacity of 1350 cc. The research shows that man evolved from a less human to a greater one with more brain capacity. (Stephenson, 1998) Theistic Evolution incorporates both God and the Bible. Creationist says if Theistic Evolution believes in God and the Bible then how can you not believe in the Genesis story of creation? How is it possible to believe in a book but ignore one whole section? That is why the story of Genesis is not to be taken literally.

Time in God’s eyes may not be the same as man sees it. It is even referenced in the Bible that this may be the case. First in Psalm 90: 4 states that a thousand years are like yesterday to God (New American, 1971, p 663). And then in 2 Peter 3: 8 “one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day” (New American, 1971, p 373).

This clearly shows that even though the earth was created in seven days that seven days in the eye of God could be thousands of years for men. Now that Creationism has been disproved Evolution and Theistic Evolution are still possible answers to the question. Evolution’s main downfall is that showing the existence of a God can easily disprove it. Not only does the Bible track time for over a 3000 year time period and is all about God. It acknowledges God existence over those 3000 years, and proves with a reasonable doubt that there is a God. Now this reasonable doubt is hard to grab but when combined by research by two English Professors proves just that there is a God.

Professor Sir Fred Hoyle and Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe research states that the chance life starting without the existence of God is 1 in 10 to the power of 40, 000. (That is a 10 followed by 40, 000 zeros after it. ) It is more likely for everyone on earth being struck by lighting at the same time then for life to be created from a “soupy sea.” (Levy, 1981) Thus evolution falls in the pit of disproved theories. Creationism and Evolution have both disproved each other or have they. They both come together and make sense as Theistic Evolution. Mathematically we have proven God exists and created the earth and man.

Data on evolution studies have also proved that man and animals evolve. What does this mean for mankind? How will it affect our lives? How wills this affect mankind’s faith? It will not greatly change the major religions belief structure. The major religions can still believe in Jesus and believe in a non-literal interpretation of Genesis (Drew 2000). Pope John Paul II comments ” man can not be subordinated as a pure means or instrument either to the species or to society he has value per se.

He is a person.” (1996) What that means is that man is created and has value to society and his species dictated by God. He has value to society by the spirit and religion. And has value to the species by evolution. God created man with purpose and that is to subdue the earth (New American, 1971, p 4-5). Man accomplishes this by becoming better and taking control of the environment in which he lives in. Man has come across a lot questions in our time on earth.

Theistic Evolution has brought man this far to the point were we now how we came into existence. But if Theistic Evolution becomes a widely accepted belief, only time will tell. But the facts do say something that is true. What do you believe about where you came from? References Boxhorn, J.

(1995 September 1). Observed Instances of Specification. Retrieved January 20, 2003, from Talk Origins database web > Conceptual Misconception Sorting Through the Popularizing Misconception. Retrieved January 4, 2003, from web > Drew, C. (2000) Retrieved January 20, 2003, from web > Evolution and Creationism (2003). Retrieved January 20, 2003, from web > The Evolution of Man- The Homo Genus.

Retrieved January 21, 2003, from web > Levy, G. (1981, August 14). There must be a God: When two skeptical Scientists put their heads together and reach an amazing conclusion. Daily Express.

The New American Bible. (1972). New York: Catholic Book. Pope John Paul II (1996, October 22). Address.

Speech presented to Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Vatican City. Stassen, C. (1997). Retrieved January 17, 2003, from web > Stevenson, J. (1998) Retrieved January 21, 2003, from http: //www, one life. com / evolve /mane v.

html Thompson, B. (1999, October 5). Retrieved January 4, 2003, from web > Thompson, B. Retrieved February 2, 2003, from web > VonRoeschlaub, W.

K. (1998) God and Evolution. Retrieved January 4, 2003, from the Talk Origins database web > Was the Universe Self-Starter? (1994, December 6). The Wall Street Journal Europe, p 11.