This is information about literary theory. Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault and Saussure all extremely important literary theorists. Roland Barthes says that the author must die in order for multiple meanings to come out of a “work” when the author is present a final “signified” is applied and this is the lone focus. The reader can not grow without the author. Without the author is self generation. Foucault on the other hand believes that the author is essential…
there are 4 author functions… classification. The reader needs the author to grow. 1.
Names for transgressive purposes 2. names for copyright… records / payment? 3. sense of prestige / authorship Bloom says authors reject parent poet, and “steal” the idea…
sorta reject it… go away in the opposite fired. Ie. Morrison writes about a young person running away with a slave…
and the field of “huckleberries” Anxiety of influence… immortality… .” father-son.”.. its been done…
Often times a misinterpretation of author in order to “take him on” Gilbert and Guba r who say anxiety of authorship / woman writers is different… because as far as anxiety of influence, there is NO “mother-daughter.”.. woman have no mother… freedom of creativity Authorship creates anxiety for women, and so women have created a sisterhood for writing… Community Saussure — A sign is a term for any number of signs… signs…
methods of communication… flags, words, colors (stop light), clicks… Signifier and a signified Signified is the concept / meaning Signifier is the way that we bring to mind that concept. Sign is the Signifier and the signified brought together. Arbitrary because signifier changes upon language and signified can change too. That is why literary theory is difficult to understand..