Literary Analysis American History By Judith Ortiz Cofer


E 1 ng lish 1

Focus: “” by Judith Ortiz Cofer

TITLE: a) “American History”

b) I think the significant meaning of the title “American History” is the full name “American History”, because the time frame in which the story is set in, is when President Kennedy was shot and killed which is in American History. It was also in the time when it was hard for immigrants. The lived in crowded buildings in the city.

AUTHOR: a) Judith Ortiz Cofer

b) Judith Ortiz Cofer was born in Hormigueros, Puerto Rico, she came

to the United States as a young girl after her father joined the U. S.


When Ortiz Cofer was taught Spanish first and then taught

English. Ortiz has won such honors as a 1989 National Endowment for

The Arts fellowship in poetry, the 1990 Pushcart Prize for Nonfiction,

And the 1994 O. Henry Award for outstanding American short

stories. She now lives in Georgia.

SUBJECT: a) In the Story “American History” Cofer tells about her child hood and growing up in a building that is housed by immigrants. It tells about her troubles and hardships of her life as being an immigrant from Puerto Rico.

She finds a boy she likes and he ask her to come over and study but his parents don’t approve of her.

SUMMARY: a) The story the “American History” is about a girl and her life growing up in a town called Patterson. The girl lives in a crowded building called El Building. The story tells about her troubles at school and her troubles in being an immigrant. Someone new moved in the house next to her and they have a son.

She becomes friends with their son and he asks her to come over and study. When she does the boys mother answers the door and tells her that he does not need her help.


a) One of the main devices that Ortiz uses is imagery, she creates an image of the monstrous and ugly building called El Building. She portrays the building as blocking all the sun from the house next door. It also shows it as a building where you can always her salsa music blaring through its open windows.

b) Ortiz also uses flashback in the story, because everything she writes is a memory it happen a long time ago.

All the stuff in this story happened in her childhood so it is a flashback of memories.

c) Ortiz also uses external conflict in the story as in the main character is struggling or has conflict with the girls at her school when they call her names and makes fun of her. She also has conflict with her friends mom, the mom tells her that he doesn’t need her help and that he would not be living their very long.

THEME: a) The story has one or more themes, which some could be:

1) Life can be cruel and harsh.

2) People sometimes will judge you by your race or were you live.

3) Life is like a storm it can be rough one minute and calm the other.

These are just a few of the many themes this story could have.

LIFE APPLICATION: a) Perhaps one life application in the story is that life is tough and you have to make decisions that affect you as well as other. It also shows you must be brave and strong if you will succeed in life.

b) Another one is no matter what people think about you, you should feel good about yourself.

If people make fun of you because of you race or size then don’t listen to them as long as you love yourself then you are perfect.

c) Were you live and what you dress like dose not matter in who you should hang out with or be friends with.