Turkey And Usa United States

INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to look for the relations between Turkey and America from the cold war to current issues I will study on the situations that are developed between America and Turkey starts from the end of the cold war such as “Truman doctrine”, “missile crisis” and “gulf war.” The policies of and the reactions of Turkey’s against that policies will take part in this paper. COLD WAR The Soviet Union and the United States, after World War II, began a military competition. The Soviet Union, after the end of World War II, wished to expand the buffer zone between itself and the Western world. In addition to the original Polish territory, the USSR established communism in Rumania, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and East Germany. The Kremlin felt that The United States was going to try to spread its capitalist ideals into all of Europe and eventually, the Soviet Union itself. Also, the United States saw the Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe as the beginning of a plan to spread Communism throughout the world.

This misconception was the beginning of the Cold War. The relation ship between America and Turkey has improved from 1947. In this relation the geopolitical position of Turkey plays a big role. The Truman Doctrine The first United States anti-Communist action was, in 1947, to begin providing economic aid to countries pressured by outside powers. When Britain announced that it would withdraw aid to Greece and Turkey, the responsibility was passed on to the United States. America was afraid of spreading of communism because of that President Harry S.

Truman asked military and economic aid for Greece and Turkey and established a doctrine named as the Truman Doctrine that would guide U. S. diplomacy for the next forty years. The United States had also been following events in Turkey. The weak government of Turkey faced Soviet pressure to share control of the strategic Dardanelles Straits. Also Turkey could prevent the expansion of Soviet Union to the Mediterranean and Middle East and it could be a set for the Soviet Union in a probable war.

Also Turkey had an important geopolitical position for USA, Turkey could provide an important geopolitical advantage for USA in a war with Soviet Union. These were the most important reasons for USA to help Turkey. The Truman doctrine was not so simple the aim was not only helping the Turkey and Greece. Behind this doctrine, America had declare an ideological war against communism. Also The Truman Doctrine was the first message that America prepared to global leadership and also this doctrine shows that the isolationism policy of America has ended.

The Truman Doctrine ‘At the present moment in world history nearly every nation must choose between alternative ways of life. The choice is too often not a free one. One way of life is based upon the will of the majority, and is distinguished by free institutions, representative government, free elections, and guarantees of individual liberty, freedom of speech and religion, and freedom from political oppression. The second way of life is based upon the will of a minority forcibly imposed upon the majority.

It relies upon terror and oppression, a controlled press and radio, fixed elections, and the suppression of personal freedoms. I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. I believe that we must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way. I believe that our help should be primarily through economic stability and orderly political process.’ President Harry S. Truman, March 12, 1947 After this policy United States of America started to apply three main missions. These missions are; 1) Try to provide military, economic and political stabilization of Europe.

2) Cover the Europe against Soviet threat. 3) Organize the power of Europe in order to provide security. The first mission becomes real with the Truman doctrine and Marshall plan; the aim of Marshall plan was to promote economic recovery in certain European countries after World War II. Second and third mission becomes real with north Atlantic treaty. The North Atlantic Treaty, signed in April 1949 by the United States, Canada and ten European States, established that an attack on one of the signatories would be considered as an attack on all of them. At the beginning the first aim was for this to be a short-term cooperation while Europe rebuilt its infrastructures and laid the foundations to defend itself separately, at the same time as avoiding the spread of Soviet influence.

In reality, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) did not come into being as such until February 1952, in the context of the Korean War, after that time that an infrastructure of stable bodies was created and growth began, with the inclusion of Greece and Turkey. NATO is made up of a political structure and a military structure. In short it was this Soviet threat that exactly moved Turkey into siding with the United States. Protection to Turkey was also suited with U. S.

interests as well. The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan came about under these conditions. After World War II, Turkey forged alliances with other states of the world in the fight against Soviet expansionism. After, proving its loyalty to the democratic values of the free world in the Korean War, Turkey became a NATO member in 1952. Turkish foreign policy has gradually been re-aligned with the overall policy of the West Missile Crisis (1961-63) In 1961 fifteen Jupiter, intermediate- range ballistic missiles armed with nuclear warheads, installed on Turkey, Izmir. These nuclear weapons could increase the Turkeys role in a possible nuclear war.

But by the installation of these missiles the risk of soviet attack to Turkey in a possible nuclear war had rise. As reprisal for Jupiter in Turkey Soviet Union installed nuclear missiles in Cuba. In October 1962 Cuban missile crises occurred between USA and Soviet Union. Khrushchev wrote a letter to Kennedy saying that; if USA lift its blockage on the island and agreed not to attack Cuba, Soviet Union would withdraw the missiles from Cuba. Next day USA received second letter from Khrushchev demanding USA should withdraw the Jupiter from Turkey in reply to withdraws missiles from Cuba. (2) At the end Cuban Missile Crisis over and the Jupiter missiles removed from Turkey.

USA explained that situation to Turkey as, withdraw of Jupiter missiles from Turkey was an answer for the Khrushchev’s first letter, but the second letter was ignored. But on the Turkish side the situation was not so simple. Maybe the existence of the Jupiter missiles could be more dangerous for Turkey. This existence could encourage Soviet Union to attack Turkey in a possible nuclear war. But the main problem was not how the existence of the Jupiter missiles could be dangerous for Turkey. The main problem was from the Turkish side, there was a Turkey for Cuba trade occurred between USA and Soviet Union and Turkey saw that the interests of Turkey could be easily ignored when USA interests are in question.

Cyprus Problem In 1963 the president of Cyprus Makarios wanted to change the constitution of the island. He wanted to add “thirteen points” to constitution. If these points accepted the Turkish Cypriots would found themselves in a disadvantaged position. Most of the special rights of the Turks in island would remove because of this change. Also the power of the Turkish population in government in island would decrease.

The Turks become legally minority. (Or it is better to say that, Cyprus would belong to Greek Cypriots. ) So, because of these demands of the Greek Cypriots the atmosphere of island was tensed. Conflicts had become more violent between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots. Turkish Cypriots had pressure and threat from Greek Cypriots; their life’s were in danger. Most of the Turks driven from their homes.

As a guarantee state of Cyprus, Turkey had right to military intervene in Cyprus in order to provide order. In ” on”u, president of Turkey, was thinking about military intervention to Cyprus. But in 1964, president of United States, Lyndon Johnson sent letter to In ” on”u. Johnson letter Johnson letter’s main points were; 1) Turkey cannot use the right of intervention in Cyprus because the conditions not enough. 2) A military intervention by Turkey to Cyprus can be caused a conflict between Russia and Turkey.

In such conflict NATO not help Turkey. 3) According to 12 July 1947 dated agreement between Turkey and United States, Turkey can not use the arms that were given by America because these arms were given in the aim of defense of Turkey This letter caused lack of confidence to United States for Turkey. And the relations between Turkey and America damaged. In 964 Turkey did not had military intervention, one of the reasons for that was that blunt letter and also Turkey military was not strong enough to make military intervention on Cyprus But the situation was changed in 1974, in Cyprus. In Greek side had coup N icos sampson came to power.

The conflicts in Cyprus had grow during that ten years period. The Turkey was seeking s pretext to intervene and she found dangerous the Taking power of Nikos sam pon. So Turkey had military intervention on 1974 to Cyprus. Cyprus Island is an important strategic point in Mediterranean for United States. Actually it is not important for USA that who controls the Cyprus (whether Turkey or Greece). Only important point for USA is the Cyprus should be fit its interests.

But the diplomacy that USA applied in 1974 against Turkey had some reactions. Especially the embargo that applied from 1974 to 1978. The embargo was another event that damaged the USA-Turkish relations. The U. S. arms embargo imposed on Turkey between 1974-78 as a result of Turkey’s intervention in Cyprus created an urgency to develop local defense industry.

In 1980’s the Reagan administration tried have more positive diplomacy for Turkey. It has some pressures to Turkey in order to withdraw her military on Cyprus but these pressures were limited they were not hard as in Johnson letter. Reagan administration did not want to damage her relations with Turkey because of Cyprus conflict. Especially, in late 1990 s USA tired to give more emphasis for Cyprus. The main principles of USA on Cyprus in 1990 s were; 1) The problem of Cyprus should not caused war between Turkey and Greece 2) The status qua of Cyprus should not acceptable.

3) The interview with UN should go on and United States should guide when situation in Cyprus reach a dead end. 4) Two sided federation can be constructed. 5) The problem of EU membership of Cyprus should not go worse and membership should be as a federation not only Greek side. 6) The efforts of Russia for entering the region must be prevent. S-300 missile crisis In 1964 Greek Cypriots ordered s-300 missiles from Russia.

These missiles were strong threat for Turkey because these missiles were very strong for an island. More over than that security problem the United States worried about the Russians. With the help of s-300 missiles Russian existence in Cyprus would increase. Also that missiles needs a radar system if Russia construct that radar system on cypress, they could have ability to gather information about situations that are happening in Mediterranean. At the end with the pressures of America the s-300 missiles and radar systems of Russians could not constructed on Cyprus. 1980 COPY D’ETAT First off all we should understand that position of military in Turkey in order to understand coup d’etat After Kemal ist reforms in nineteenth century the military started to see itself as modernizing force, which wants western style government that should be ruled by democracy.

We can the military forces in Turkey as the guardians of the democracy. In 1980 on September 12, the military took over governmental duties. It was a rapid and bloodless coup. The aims of coup were to preserve the integrity of the country, to obtain national union, to reestablish the authority of the government and to provide an atmosphere for government to provide a democratic order. The military intervention in 1980 had negative effects on civil and political rights.

West European countries were talking about democracy and human rights issues in Turkey. In bilateral relations with Turkey they were mention about their worries regarding human rights violation and lack of democracy in Turkey. At the beginning of the military coup the western European countries showed soft reaction, but as the time passed and when they did not see much progress in Turkey the reactions of these countries had become harder. The military kept defensive in foreign policy. It could not express it self very much in international arena. The opinions of United States were different from western European countries.

USA did not cut the aid to Turkey and she mentioned about her trust to Turkish military to restore democracy. The strategic necessary of Turkey was more important then human rights in Turkey for United States. In 1980 s during the military coup the relation of Turkey and Europe were tense but at the same time Turkish American relations strengthened. American economic and military aid to Turkey increased. “Transition to democracy” was the main slogan by Reagan to justify the American aid to Turkey. United States was support military; one the reason for that support was restoring the democracy and respect for human rights.

That would be more harmless for United States interests. In November 1982 an new constitution was constructed. In April 1983 the ban on political parties lifted and after these progresses power transferred to an elected unicameral parliament. GULF WAR Factors that Lead to the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait Saddam’s expansion of the state’s military was frightening to his neighbors.

Especially his investment in nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and with the expansion of his military, Saddam attempted to gain hegemony over the Persian Gulf Region. As a result of the war with Iran and the heavy investment in arms and training, the Iraqi military became the dominant force in the region. The price of keeping this force active was very expensive. Iraq borrowed heavily from its oil-producing neighbors. The debt coupled with continued investments brought on a 40 percent inflation rate Although Iraq had considerable oil reserves of her own, revenues were not sufficient to meet the demands of her creditors. This problem was worsening in 1990 when Kuwait and other oil states began to lower oil prices and increase production beyond agreed upon levels.

Iraq was forced to follow suit or lose even more revenues. To make matters worse, Iraq suspected the Kuwaiti’s were drilling diagonally from their side of the border to tap Iraqi oil reserves. Thus Saddam Hussein was now in an unsafe position. It was getting more and more difficult to maintain his military power (which he needed to keep down internal opposition as well as to keep up national prestige). The war Saddam Hussein found himself in a tight spot and a quick take-over of Kuwait, his neighbor to the south seemed like a good solution to his problems. On august 2, 1990 launched an invasion to Kuwait.

He wanted to capture Kuwait’s large oil reserves. The United States, along with the United Nations, demanded Iraq’s withdrawal. Intense diplomacy be tween U. S. and Iraqi officials failed to bring an Iraqi withdrawal. The United Nations put a worldwide ban on trade with Iraq on August 6, 1990.

The potential threat to Saudi Arabia made the United States and their NATO allies rush troops to Saudi Arabia to stop a possible attack. These powerful forces, along with Egypt and other Arab nations, joined up in a military build-up known as Operation Desert Shield. By November 29, 1990, the nations that made up the power in Operation Desert Shield decided to use force against Iraq, unless they left Kuwait by January 15, 1991. By January 1991, the allied coalition against Iraq had reached 700, 000 troops. 540, 000 (United States, British, French, Egyptians, Saudis, Syrians. ) The Persian Gulf War officially began on January 16-17, 1991.

With the air bombardment against Iraq known as Operation Desert Storm. This air offense destroyed Iraq’s airplanes, weapons plants, communications, government buildings, bridges and roads as well as its oil refineries. By the end of February 1991, Operation Desert Storm was also responsible for slowing down Iraq’s forward ground forces in Kuwait and destroying defenses and tanks in Iraq. On February 27, 1991, the Arab and U. S. forces re-took Kuwait City.

Also on February 27 th, the U. S. main force drove into Iraq 120 miles and attacked and destroyed their elite Republican Guard Units. On February 27, President Bush ordered a cease-fire and the surviving Iraqi troops were allowed to escape back into southern Iraq. On March 3, 1991, Iraq accepted the terms of the cease-fire and the war ended. CONSEQUENCES OF CONFLICT: 1.

Despite the crushing defeat and subsequent Shiite and Kurdish rebellions, Saddam’s government retained a strong grip on power in Iraq. 2. As a result of the cease-fire terms, Iraq had to accept the of ‘no-fly zones’ over her territory and United Nations weapons inspection teams check through her nuclear and other weapons programs. 3. The economic and trade sanctions begun during the war continue to the present day, that are contributing to economic hardship in Iraq. Some reports say hundreds of thousands of children have died due to the sanctions.

There are no indications that the government or military suffer undo hardships. The war also created a new opportunity for peacemaking in the Middle East. Shortly after the Iraqi invasion President Bush announced that once the Iraqi forces vacated Kuwait, he would increase efforts to Middle East peace process. The aftereffects of the war also enabled the United States to forge closer cooperation with certain regional allies that participated in the coalition.

The U. S. signed new defense agreements with several coalition members providing for joint exercises, training, and p repositioning of military equipment. These enabled the administration of U.

S. President Bill Clinton to react quickly and decisively when Iraq threatened Kuwait briefly in October 1994 by moving troops toward the Kuwait border. THE GULF WAR FROM TURKISH PERSPECTIVE In 1990’s Turkey did not want to be involved in middle eastern conflicts but at the same time in gulf war this policy of keeping away from middle eastern conflicts can be damaged the relations with U. S. A. , united nations and western powers.

After the economic and trade sanctions that western powers did, Turkey also cut its economic relations with Iraq and also cut the -kirkuk oil pipeline. (Turkey had important trade affairs with Iraq before cutting its relations In the gulf war Turkey had faced three questions 1) Whether send troops to join the coalition forces in the gulf 2) Whether open a second front Iraq along the Turkish Iraqi borders. 3) Whether allow the coalition powers to use bases such as Incirlik. Turkish public opinion was not agree to had direct involvement because people did not see any national interest in such kind of involvement. So Turkey had to apply a perfect diplomacy in order to strength its relations with U. S.

A. and western powers at the same time it should keep away from the active role in the war with Iraq. So Turkey gave permission to coalition powers to use Incirlik to attack Iraq. At 1990 s in Turkey the president was Turgut “Ozal, he was a liberalist man. The liberal economy and free trade that U.

S. A. support and the richness of USA these are the main reasons that he wanted to be in USA side. Most of the decisions that “Ozal made were based on economical reasons.

In the gulf war the geopolitical position of Turkey again gained importance. And this war proved that after the collapse of S SCB, Turkey has still have an importance as an strategic region. During the Cold War, Turkish security was mostly shaped by geopolitical position Soviet territorial demands on Turkey in 1945 and the threat of communism compelled Turkey to seek Western support for its defense. Also Turkey had proved that, with the policy that Turkey applied in gulf war, it can be against to the Islamic country and it would not apply a privilege for that country just because of its religion. Turkey had economic losses after gulf war. “Ozal hoped to have some aids from USA and gulf countries as an answer for cutting its relations with Iraq.

However Turkey had some aids from USA and gulf countries but the loss of the embargo, which applied to Iraq after ten years, arrived hundred billion dollar. Turkey lost the ‘yk-kirkuk oil pipeline, the trades stopped with Iraq and also the debts of Iraq could not taken. In comparison to Turkey’s lost the aids were so ironic. ECONOMIC AND TRADE RELATIONS (FROM 1980 s) In 1980 S Turkey tired to change the system of economic relations with United States.

Mostly she took aids from USA but these aids were the debts of Turkey. More than debts Turkey needs to develop its trade with other countries (especially with USA) in order to improve its production and also in order to develop the country without aids. So that is why mainly after 1980 s Turkey wanted to make trade with USA rather than taking aids. Table 1 (a) USA military and economic aids 1980-1990 (as million $) 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Military Donation – – 57 110 130 215 206 312 312 410 412 Military Loan 208 250 343 290 585 485 409 178 178 90 86 Economic 198 201 300 245 175 185 119 100 32 60 14 When wee look the events in today’s Turkey (year 2001) actually we see that the situation was not changed.

When president B”u lent Ecevit visited USA he wanted same things as “Ozal, he wanted “more trade rather than aid ” In comparison to 1980 s, in 1990 s trade with United States had developed. In 1992 total trade with USA was three billion dollar but in 1997 total trade become 6 billion dollar. But this development was not much useful for Turkey because 2 billion dollar of these trades was export and 4 billion dollar was import. So trade deficit of Turkey started to grow. (6) Also in 1980 s and also in 1990 s Turkey had complains about textile export quotas that United States applies.

Table 1 (b) Turkish-USA trade (1991-2000) (as million $) 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Import 2, 225 2, 600 2, 300 2, 400 2, 700 3, 500 4, 300 4, 050 3, 800 3, 887 Export 913 865 986 1, 1520 1, 513 1, 600 2, 027 2, 233 2, 437 3, 074 THE KURD PROBLEM In the gulf war years, Saddam had serious pressure on Kurds because of that pressures Kurds started to move through the Turkish borders. This movement was an important threat for Turkey. If it let the refugees to enter the country, in future that would lead an uprising. Because the Turkey had already problems with Kurds the main threat to Turkish national defense comes from the armed activities of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) that terrorist groups aim was establish an independent Kurdish state. And if the population of Kurds will rise in country this would be a problem. On the other hand if Turkey do not let the refuges to enter the country this could be a bad impression for itself.

Turgut “Ozal sends that situation to UN and he wanted to resolve the Kurdish problem on northern Iraq. All refugees had returned the Iraq with the operation named as “operation provide comfort” and also “safe heaven” was applied on northern Iraq, which enforced non-fly zone on 36 th parallel. Operation Provide Comfort was implemented in March 1991, to provide humanitarian aid to these refugees and saved thousands of lives, it continues today to provide protection for the Kurds and prevent further migration into the mountains. After the death of “Ozal (April 1993) the “operation provide comfort” had continued.

The operation started to cause suspicion about northern Iraq for Turkey. (Especially in period of Erbakan-Caller) in these period Erbakan started to believe that the operation’s real aim was to oversee the establishment of an independent Kurdish state in northern Iraq. Possible independent Kurdish sate in northern Iraq would be an important threat to Turkish security. Kurdish people could demand a Turkish territory. Moreover Erbakan started to describe operation as a “second serve” according to him western powers try to create a Kurdish state which includes some of the Turkish territory.

After these kind of suspicions the “operation provide comfort” had changed the “northern watch” started. Operation Northern Watch is the successor to Operation Provide Comfort, which officially ended in December 1996. Operation Northern Watch began Jan. 1, 1997 but this change was not so important because the operation was the same the change was for the get rid of the suspicions of Turkey.

America was support Turkey’s territory unity and defined PKK as a terrorist group. Also, the United States found the struggle against PKK, that Turkey had, legitimate. But USA was concerning about the human rights violations about Kurds in Turkey. United states helped Turkey for arresting “Ocalan (the PKK leader). After this arresting with the help of USA the Turkish American relations strengthened. But on the other hand USA started to demand for Turkey to provide an opportunity for Kurd to express their cultures.

According to America Kurds should have political rights and have freedom to talk their own language. September 11 After the September 11, 2001, the worldview against terrorism started to change with the help of the terrorist attacks to United States. After these attacks united states understood that terrorism could also damage hardly its own country. That is one of the reasons that why United States declare war on terrorism after September 11.

It has to be mentioned that war on terrorism not just fits the USA’s interests, this war would be useful the countries that seek peace and stability (such as Turkey). In the war against terrorism there is common interests take place of most countries that is the one of the reasons that United States took support from most of the countries. Another reason of that is, USA is superpower and naturally that super power would not be thankful for the countries that do not help her. The new war is not like a classical war, this is the war that declared for the enemy who has no borders, no government and most importantly who has no worry about the violence against civilians. Turkey mentioned that, after the terrible terrorist attacks against the USA on 11 September 2001, Turkey is an favorable ally, for supporting the US in its struggle against terrorism.

For a long time Turkey believed that such an international unity is necessary against terrorism. The September 11 attacks can be compared with the Pearl Harbor. The common failure of defending against these attacks was the lack of information, which could provide an opportunity to defense. Both attacks were sudden. After the Pearl Harbor central intelligence agency (CIA) was constructed in 1947 in order to gather information for provide national security. But in a war with enemy who had no borders it is to hard to gather information.

We saw that, in September 11, the intelligence technologies and satellites of United States was not enough to “ONG ” OR MEK that attack. Afghanistan As in gulf war, Turkeys’ participation anti-terrorism campaign in Afghanistan had some domestic reasons. Ankara hoped to take some aids from Western Europe, especially from United States. This is the policy (it is better to say hopes rather than policy) that “Ozal applied we see in gulf war. Ismail Cem in his meetings at Germany, Cem participated in the ’12 th Armed Forces and Society Forum’ organized by German newspaper Welt am Sonntag. In his speech in the forum.

Cem asserted that Turkey is a ‘front line country’ which suffered huge losses during the Gulf War, adding: ‘Our international politics and tourism have suffered as well as our economy. Now we are a front line country again, after the terrorist attacks in the United States.’ With the help of Turkish foreign policy, and entering the struggle against terrorism near the United States the events in international arena developed in favor of Turkey. IMF promised ten billion dollar loan would give Turkey. CONCLUSION The relations between turkey and United States are so connected. After the Cold War turkey had some opportunities to open out (such as turkey has chance develop its political and economic relations with the new Turkic countries) but all these relations are can not be defined as substitute for America-Turkish relations. From the Truman doctrine turkey and United States had strong relations but in some periods the relations damaged (such as from 1960 s to 1980 s) but turkey generally fight near with United States against the challenges of world peace such as Korean war and war on terrorism.

Another point is, before turkey republic there was an Ottoman Empire depends on long history and culture. But turkey republic tired to transition democracy from the empire culture. It is the 79 th year of republic in turkey and for a history 79 years is not long time for adapt the democratic ideologies to the citizens. So western worlds should take in to consideration the developments of turkey about human rights and democratization.

It may be hard to transition to democracy from strong culture of Ottoman Empire. From the Truman doctrine united states wanted to impose liberal ideologies and democracy against communists to the other countries. That is the one of the reasons why turkey and USA had good relations. (It had some bad period but after all in 21 st century they have good relations).

Especially after September 11 attacks, declaration war against terrorism by USA, Turkey decided to be with the USA side. Turkey had lots of problems about terrorism (especially PKK). Turkey had important geopolitical position because of that USA would not want to lost turkey. As long as the economic crisis exists in turkey the Turkish foreign policy will be more depended on USA and IMF. But at the and when we look at the current events in international arena, especially the visit of president of Turkey Ecevit to united states in January 14, 2002 we see that the USA- Turkish relations becoming better. REFERENCES: Bask ” yn Oran, TURK DITh POLITIKASI, Iletithim yay”y, Istanbul, 2001.

Idris Bal, TURK DITh POLITIKASI, Alfa bas ” ym yay ” ym dad ” yt’ym, 2001. Doc. DR. Oral Sander, TURK-AMER ” YK AN ILIThKILERI, Ankara, 1979. Dr.

A. Hal uk “Ulm an, TURK-AMERICAN DIPLOMATIC MUNASABETLERI, Ankara, 1961. Kamran G”ur ” un, DIS ILISKILER VE TURK POLITIKASI, Ankara, 1983 William Hale, TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY, Frank Cass publishers, britain, 2000. web.