Coffee One House Question

I have no text. The house, in which I live, probably looks and to content on one neither is enough nor particularly spreads, but nevertheless much admitted river. In the summer ships go past, on which a historical student praises characteristics by the megaphone, so loud that one can hear it with open window into the dwelling. Also the behaebige house is sometimes mentioned, because it times sketched of an architect, whose name in the professional world has a good sound.

It was finished 1913; made themselves thereupon secret advice and physicians therein broadly. Physicians are still there, otherwise old ladies, a little younger people, few families and various Poland. Wine climbs the front highly, in the yard flowers to flowers, and visitors from less flowering parts of the city state gladly being astonished that it does not smell at all in the entrance hall after urine and is even the mail boxes in perfect condition, i. e. one can state, I lives easily preferentially here. Also the people in the house greet each other and lend easily two eggs and drill presses also.

Only a bad old person disturbs the quiet harmony. An ill woman, who looks the dear day by the spyhole. As soon as one goes past, it tears equal the door up and tells that it was already 56 mal in the hospital; which does not prevent it however, at night by the stairway to spirit and the student political stickers from the housing doors to to scratch with its witch fingers. May one drink also beverages in the morning? Interesting question! Here the correct answer: Yes.

At the best coffee. Freshly husbands and brewed, also little salt and a Idee chen zim t. May one add also still milk or the like? Interesting, but difficult question. Also here again the correct answer: Yes. But: Normal full milk waters the coffee, in particular from the unhaendlichen two-litre packings (bad to be dosed ness). Coffee with h-Milch? That is the notorious group house Mittagssueppchen.

For instance Kondensmilch? To strong self-taste, results in Gross mutters restaurant miracle economics. Impact suspect? Too sah nig, coffee with fat eyes results in. Best: , admits of vegetable coffee-white from the large aviation enterprises. Does not support the coffee taste, diluted however. Further questions? Yes, it there in the back with the sun glasses! Whether one may do also sugars into the coffee? Ugly, uninteresting question! Drive nevertheless to Italy, if it does not fit here you! Southern countries are full suessliche countries, from good humans, who maintain their plentifully existing culture with consideration and care, but no glow of correct coffee drinking have.