Summary Kieran Ward The resolution of William Golding’s LOT is crucial in concluding the narratives many messages. Such messages include “Rules, consequences and authority figures are vital in retaining order” and “Rivalry becomes obsessive.” The boys construct a microcosm still influenced by the society which they left behind, thus creating a state of order. In absence of an authority figure they adopt Ralph as their “chief” and leader. Even though rules were set down there were no consequences for non-compliance. Despite this absence the boys still “[feel] the unease of wrong doing” when they do something they know is immoral. The microcosm which is constructed brings with it state of order, but the lack of consequences, shatters this order to create a major state of disorder as the boys turn to savagery.
It is obvious that jack is a dictator but also an experienced leader. Unlike Ralph and his democracy, jacks dictatorship brings with it order as it evolves rules and dire consequences which include torture. These penalties were harsh and feared among his followers, however no one disobeyed him! In a way he became their authority figure, and with him bought brutal state of order which can be viewed as disorder. Ralph however is diplomatic, and it was this which was his weakness and this which led to his demise. This conflict of interests led to the ever increasing scuffle between Ralph and Jack. It soon became a mindset of Jack’s that he must oppose Ralph’s decisions and actions, and offer his own more appealing alternatives.
This began just as the opposition in our governments today. Some of Ralph’s suggestions Jack agreed with but was obliged to disagree to maintain his opposing status. Jack boycotted Ralph on many occasions. Ralph’s ideas were not fun but were thought about on the long term, whereas Jack thought fun therefore proving more appealing to the younger and even the older children. The conflict intensified as the weight of Ralph’s decisions increased and became vital in keeping the group together, maintaining order and ensuring survival. The resolution of the novel was imperative in portraying the severity of this conflict as it shows rivalry at its worst and provides evidence to prove the “indefinable connection between [Ralph] and Jack” which prevents Jack from “simply forgetting about” Ralph or ever leaving him alone.
Without the resolution these themes would not be outlined to the reader, we only see the order regained among the boys in the presence of the authority figure in the form of the naval officer. And this we see only in the resolution of the novel. Without this insight we would not be able to properly define this theme. Also the rivalry only rises to the point of obsession within the resolution, there by outlining the importance of the resolution in portraying the narratives many messages. By FrosT By FrosT Ward.