The idea of the supernatural and superstition is brought up quite often throughout the text. During Shakespeare’s time many believed in the supernatural, something more powerful than human and cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is also not able to be explained by natural laws, perhaps a superior being. They also believed in superstition that is irrational fear of what is unknown or mysterious. For example in Macbeth the opening scene here are three witches. They make a prophecy about Macbeth, predicting his future, his action and his causing action.
This scene ends in the three witches chanting ominous words, ‘Fair is foul, foul is fair, hover through the fog and filthy air’, suggesting evil will rise and destroy. Straightaway it is known that the events in this scene alone are supernatural. The ideas of superstition are brought out in the ‘wheel of life’. The wheel of life starts off with the murder of King Duncan by Macbeth. He then becomes King however he is paranoid because Macduff is suspicious of him and could get rid of him. Macbeth wants to kill Macduff but can’t find him so Macbeth ends up murdering the next best thing, Lady Macduff and her son.
Macbeth’s evil doings catches up with him when he is the killed by Macduff. Malcolm is then crowned king because he is the son of the late King Duncan. Macduff was suppose to be king however he is a nobleman therefore pertaining all the qualities of a gentleman, something that Macbeth was suppose to have but gave it all up for evil. Macduff represents righteousness, he believes in the hierarchy system hence the reason Malcolm became king.