Macbeth Vs Ozzy Osborne

Select one of the song lyrics and analyze it using Macbeth as your frame of reference. Make sure that you identify specific connections between the lyric (including musical influences) and the play and that you make a clear reference to thematic ideas. “Facing Hell” by Ozzy Osborne does a fantastic job in conveying the fact that a person can lose their soul if they fall to the temptations of the world. This train of thought can be applied to the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare paints a picture for the audience about a hero, Macbeth, and the events that lead to his brief rise in power and the events that lead to his fall. Macbeth was a highly respected general and a loyal follower to his king.

This all changed when he had a meeting with fate. In the play the three witches symbolize the fates of men. They shed light on what is to happen in the future and what steps would need to be taken in order to fulfill what was going to happen. For his loyal service Macbeth had been appointed “thane of Condor” a position that has been left vacant by a traitor to the King. With this newly acquired title Macbeth sheds light on his inner desires with his soliloquy describing his thoughts of becoming king. In “Facing Hell” one of the verses definitely describes the whole situation that Macbeth creates.

“But then I’m blinded with temptation, and to every mortal sin, is it God that sits there waiting, or will the darkness suck me in?” This is a strong verse, combined with loud rifts from the electric guitar and the resonance of the bass. This verse does the play justice because Macbeth’s flaw is that he wanted to attain power too much. In the beginning Macbeth is only worried about the trouble that he would get into with the authorities if he were found out. He doesn’t seem to give much thought that he has cast down his soul to hell. He just leaves everything up to chance. “If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me, without stir” (Macbeth 1.

3. 144-147 It is almost as if he thinks that he will just be given the throne and that he will not have to do anything to take over. This is not the case because in later scenes he commits murder of the King and of his guards. It is here that there seems to be a shift in the way of Macbeth’s thinking, it is now that he realizes that he has committed murder and that he has cast his spirit down without hope.

He put earthly wants in front of preserving a lifestyle of serving his King with honor and obedience, and loyalty. Macbeth ascends to the top of the chain of command with the murder of the King but this level of power is short lived when different people suspect him of being the perpetrator behind the killing of the king. Macbeth spends the rest of the play with nightmares of what he has done and trying to keep this secret silenced.