Miniature Doberman Pinscher Dogs Long Black

After a long, hard day of work the man comes home to his loyal and devoted companion, his dog. Dogs are any of about twelve different kinds of wolf like mammals popularly regarded as distinct from wolves, jackals, and foxes. The dog is presumed to have been derived from tamed wolves, and now is remarkable for almost infinite variety in size, shape, color, and hair. Despite the various types of dogs, nevertheless they all share similar characteristics. The Chihuahua is graceful, similar to a ballerina, and swift moving dog with a saucy expression. They are a well balanced modest dog not exceeding over six pounds.

Their bodies are somewhat off square. Their heads are well rounded akin to a sphere with large erect ears flaring to the sides at a 45 degree angle when in repose. Chihuahua’s eyes are full, but not protruding, balanced and set well apart with luminous dark shades to them. Their muzzles are moderately short and slightly pointed with lean cheeks and jaws.

Their noses are self-colored in blonde and black colors. Their bite is like scissors with diminutive teeth. Chihuahua’s fur is of a soft texture with a glossy tint to it. With any luck, hygienic action is put into play in order for the dog to smell fresh.

Chihuahuas are one of the most popular animals to have for a pet. The Pug has a compactness form with hardness of developed muscles. They weigh from fourteen to eighteen pounds desirable. Similar to the Chihuahua, the proportion of a Pug is also squared. Their head is large, massive, and round-not apple-headed, with no indentation of the skull. They eyes are dark in color, very large, bold and prominent, globular in shape.

Pugs are soft and solicitous in expression and when excited, they are full of fire. Their ears are thin, small, and soft like black velvet. There are 2 two kinds, the “rose” and the “button.” They have wrinkles which are large and deep. Their muzzle is short, blunt, square, but not up faced. Their tail is curled as tightly as possible over the hip. The coat of a Pug is fine, smooth, soft, short and glossy, neither hard nor wooly.

The colors are silver, apricot-fawn, or black. A Pug’s bite is slightly undershot. Hopefully, if good hygiene is taken action the dog should smell sanitary. The Miniature Doberman Pinscher is an energetic, watchful, alert, fearless, loyal and obedient dog. It stands eighteen to twenty inches. Their head is long and dry, resembling a blunt wedge in both frontal and profile views.

Their eyes are almond shaped, moderately deep set, with vigorous, energetic expression. Their eye color ranges from medium to darkest brown and black. Miniature Doberman Pinscher’s ears are normally cropped and carried erect. The upper attachment of the ear, when held upright, is on the level with the top of the skull. Their cheeks are flat and muscular with lips lying close to the jaws. Their teeth are strongly developed and white sharper than a pair of shears.

This breed has a smooth-haired, short, and thick coat. The fur colors are black, red and beige. If owner takes good care of them, they should smell clean. Some people have been known to kiss the dogs on their mouth and I guess it depends on what kind of food the Pinscher eats, to determine what they taste like. The Dachshund is originally from Germany. They weigh about ten to twelve pounds and are approximately one and a half to two feet long.

They have a very distinctive appearance. Dachshunds are long and low-slung. They present a comical picture. Their heads are rounded with long, droopy ears. Their eyes are well balanced and are commonly a dark brown or black color. They have a long, skinny muzzle with small, but razor-sharp teeth.

They have a thin coat that does not require grooming. The coat colors come in red, black, tan, grey, and chocolate. Their coat varieties are smooth-haired, long-haired, and wired-haired, but smooth being the most common. They are most popular for hunting badgers.

3 Badger hunting allow them to use their long but low to the ground bodies to maneuver in the holes. For the most part I hope they smell clean and taste good if you want to take that next step and kiss or lick them. Despite the differences of all these dogs, nevertheless they are related to each other. All four come in small packages, but they have a lot of heart. They are excellent indoor dogs and enjoy the pampered life. All four dogs are highly trainable and all have a life span on an average of twelve to seventeen years.

According to Stanley Core in his publication “The Intelligence of Dogs” all of these dogs are in the top thirty most intelligent breed, out of one hundred. The Chihuahua, Pug, Miniature Doberman Pinscher, and Dachshund nonetheless make wonder best friends.