The St. Louis city is vague and straight to the point, but the site seem to be missing something. That something is the truth about St. Louis, Missouri. Growing up in the city wasn’t easy at all.
During my stay in St. Louis I realize how horrible the education was. The city environment isn’t suitable for young children growing up. I can remember how my mom had a hard time finding a job because employment was scarce. This web page has proven to be a tremendous disappointment to me, just like the city has. I have to admit, I was surprised that St.
Louis city had a web page. My first impression was that the web page was well organized. After looking at the entire site, my impression started to turn into disappointment. I felt that the page had a lot of unnecessary things. When the website comes up it has a list of items including frequently visited pages, what’s going on today, about St. Louis, weather and sports, and what’s happening.
The city park has a web page including what’s at the park. I searched under every topic, and I couldn’t find anything on the St. Louis Arch. The Arch is the most important sight St. Louis has. St.
Louis city is a rich historic architecture. it has several important historic buildings and neighborhoods. St. Louis buildings now face serious problems. The website goes into detail about the problems of the buildings. I was enrolled in several schools while growing up in St.
Louis. After a while my mom decided to enroll me into a bussing program. In a bussing program they take inner city children to county schools, so that they may receive a better education. The city schools didn’t have air conditioning, so when the temperature exceeded ninety degrees they would release the children.
Even though I was getting bussed to a county school it wasn’t easy. I was mistreated because of the color of my skin. The school only consisted of five percent African Americans students. I underwent a lot of comments and looks. I could see their dislike for me in their eyes. I tried to not let it get to me.
Being bussed to the county was a catch twenty-two: I couldn’t win in neither situation. I resided in the city of St. Louis. My surroundings consisted of wild children, and their parents were either on drugs or had no sense.
Drug dealers also surrounded me. I can recall several drive by shootings. Some accruing while we were outside playing. I can remember walking to the corner store watching drug transactions happen right before my innocent eyes. I witnessed a man getting pistol whipped, because he was trying to hustle on someone else’s corner. The website doesn’t list anything about the violence on the street.
As I look back and reminisce about growing up in that environment, I can’t believe I’m sitting here right now. My mom struggled financially. It’s hard finding a job in St. Louis that would put food on your table.
I know my mom didn’t want us to wind up like the other kids on our block. She tried to provide a better life for us. That’s just what she did. My mom made a decision to move the family to Georgia. We tried to move to Georgia before in 1989, but some how we returned back to St. Louis the same year.
This time she wasn’t letting that happen. That was the best decision my mom could have ever made. I often sit and wonder if I had stayed in St. Louis, where would my life be? Would I have finished high school? I’m happy that my mom got enough guts to pack her things up to start a new life. I am very disappointed in the web page.
I found the site plain, just like the town. I would discourage anyone from moving to my hometown, but I’ll let the web page do that. I feel the web page could ” ve included more information about the schools in St. Louis city. If the web page had more pictures of St. Louis the site would have been more interesting.
If I were to create a web page of St. Louis, the display page would have a huge arch on it. Under the arch I would give the history on it, explaining how it came about. I would have links to all the schools in St. Louis.
The crime rate of St. Louis would be listed. I would give the history of the city, showing pictures and information of all the historical cities. All the city events would be listed with a description of the events. On my web page it wouldn’t be difficult to find what you were looking for.