Saved Short Elected Jefferson

Mary Rowlandson’s short works displayed the puritanical ways of accepting their fates, and any obstacles in their ways were tests from God. This way of thinking and living is personified in her (basically) short narrative tale of herself being captured by Indians, and her daughter being killed by the savages by the way. Jonathan Edwards, a exceptionally intelligent man, able to manipulate people. A slight step up from Puritanism, the religion that he professed was one in which a person could only be saved if they were elected by God above. Hey, some saved was better than no saved… right? This form of believing didn’t hold under scrutiny either, as the evolution of religion shows, for example look at today.

You could be saved only if you were elected, and once you were elected you could do no wrong, you were just short of divinity here on earth. What followed this election, was usually prosperity, power and the like, and those who had these things were assumed to be elect… almost a way to make yourself elect… ? This didn’t last long as people continued to become more open minded… for America was giving them the freedom to do this, along with many other freedoms.

Thomas Jefferson, America’s 3 rd president, and an accomplished one at that. Jefferson helped bring into existance the Declaration of Independence. He also bought a huge amount of land from Napolean, known as the Lousiana Purchase for 15 Million dollars, what a deal! Napolean definately needed money to finance his little war, tsk tsk. A real thinker in the enlightenment also. Washington Irving, named after George Washington was a famous writer who very possibly invented the short story. Irving created such characters as Ichabod Crane and Rip Van Winkle.

James Fenimore Cooper possibly the first American author that used fiction.