Van Gogh, an outstanding artist whose works, in his whole life, had not been bought merely one, except for one that were sold by his brother that were sympathetic with hime, and so as to please him, created the the impressive style which were one of the mainstream in the modern painting. usually the case it is that most societies could not have the insight into great thoughts of some contemporary thinkers, and then people reasonably lack the respect for them, even when they claim to admire them. So that is not point, the whole point is, a really great thought and the correspondingly the thinker can be acknowledged only at a later time. The value of outstanding thoughts created by some genius thinker cannot been understood because of their character which are abstract, abstruse, and are overtaken more or less the level of the understanding of contemporaries. our common mortals are merely able to understand little, limited by the available intelligence at that time.
With the science developing and at meanwhile being popular, the essence of great thoughts can permeate into our minds, and then we can accept and absorb them to utilized in the fulfillment. That fate once arrived at the relative theory and the author, the most outstanding scientist in the 20 th century, Albert Einstein. The birth of that theory, at first, had not been focused substantially by most scientist, except for some genius. but fortunately to Einstein (unlike Van Gogh being appreciated until he was dead), because of the immediately need of utilization in the fulfillment, the great theory are gradually studied and realized the greatness, so far a good many scientist mentioned in many international symposium it is the most significant discovery in the last century.
on my view, it is amusing that the greatness of the thought check the people from taking the thinker seriously! The failure to realizing the value of great thought is as the result that most societies do not appreciate the great thought really. However, still many people claim to admire them, and it is somewhat true that they can feel the greatness, but not really understand it. the admiration to the thought only serve as method that can prove one is an elegant person. only when one thoroughly comprehend the thoughts can he respect the thought and the thinker from his heart. once an speech were hold in our university by the greatest physicist in the world after Einstein, attracting a host of people, some of who fall into sleep during the course of speech because the boring but abstruse.
No one can gainsay the greatness of Hawking! s thought, but the overwhelmingly difficult to grasp it hinders most people from admiring it hearty. Admittedly, in some societies why the greatness of the thought can not be taken seriously is the reason that the thought of itself is not great. In some undemocratic society, such as Iraq, all the civilians being coerced to advocate the! ^0 great! +/- thought of Saddam is enable the civilians to enslaved by him and to satisfy his own interests. of course, people who claim to admired the thought only desired to live, in fact hated to do that! so that do not belong to the discussion. Time have the ability to make great thoughts great, make that outstanding thinker outstanding..