Father Pub Day Drunkard

Sitting at he pub as a little boy, how long would it take before your curiosity sets in? The smell of beers and liquors engulfing my senses. I couldn’t keep myself entertained anymore; I had to have my first sip. Being old enough to walk my father has taken me to pub after pub. Ever since then I had to keep myself busy as my father drank. How much fun can a young boy have sitting at the pub? I could only count the number of liquor bottles so many times. As the years went by I was finally able to reach the counter.

I had my opportunity. We went to the pub after the funeral. I saw my father drinking this light piss color liquid all the time. So I took my chance and had stole some of my father’s beer. “It was a terrible disappointment. I was astonished that he could even drink such stuff.” (The Drunkard 299) I took a sip again this time longer then the last.

And another one, each sips getting longer. “I felt pleasantly elevated and philosophic.” (The Drunkard 299) Once the sense of euphoria was gone I had queasiness in my stomach. I ran out of the bar spewing my guts out. “My father jumped back in holy terror that I might spoil his good suit.” (The Drunkard 300) All I could think about is how crappy I felt and that the walk home was going to be a long one.

What was mom going to do? The walk home wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. It was long and annoying. When I got home all I wanted to do as rest. “I couldn’t sleep because of the whirling in my head” (the Drunkard 302) Before I could pass out I heard the door fling open It was my mother. Raging up a storm.

Yelling at my father. I couldn’t concentrate on the conversation or the yelling match that they had. I was to busy falling in and out of consciousness. The next morning was hell. I made it through the day lying in my bed.

My mother treated me like it was special occasion. As the day prolong I was able to function more like a normal child. I definitely learned my lesson. Going to the bar that day thought me an important lesson. I really don’t want to grow up so fast.

As well as don’t let the curiosity get the best of me. Like it did on that day at the bar.