My day started at about 6: 30 am when my roommate yelled up to my room… that’s, it’s time to get up. Needless to say I was not ready to let go of the covers just yet, but I got up anyway. The first thing I did was to thank God for letting me see another day then, I made my way down the stairs to the bathroom to relieve myself and take a shower.
Once I’m finished in the bathroom, I turned on the news to see what the weather would be like; it was going to be another cold day in the windy city. Now it was time to get ready for work, so, back up the stairs I went to figure out what I was going to wear to work today, I decided on a tan blouse and a brown skirt; with that decided I got dress and headed back down the stairs to watch the rest of the news. Well it’s about 8: 00 am and I need to head off to work now. Before I can go I need to warm-up the car, so, I turn on the car and waited ten minutes for it to warm-up; it’s about 8: 15 now and off to work I go. The drive to work is about 45 minutes, because I work about 30 miles away; however traffic is not bad today, because there was no rain or snow in the forecast, when that happens traffic is can be unbearable, nevertheless, I arrived at work at about 9: 00 am.
Once in the office I make a point of speaking to my co-workers and checking on my employees to see how things are going, as normal things are running smoothly. With that done I log in to my computer and check my messages and e-mails, this give me a good idea on how to plan my day. I start by returning all phone calls, then I answer my e-mail. Next, I start on any projects left over form the previous day, there was just one — that was to make sure that all the data in the delivery report was enter correctly; this takes a few hours and keeps me busy until about 11: 45 AM, just about lunch time. It’s noon so it’s lunchtime. I’m having popcorn, yogurt and an apple because I decided to stay in and work on this paper, I need to get it done this week, because I am a few assignments behind.
It’s about 3: 00 PM and things are kind of quiet today, so I think I will leave a little early in order to beat the traffic, because rush hour traffic can be a real challenge in the city. The drive home was alright, I missed most of the traffic. Since I left early, I was able to pick-up my roommate on the way, we arrived home at about 5: 15 PM. Once we made it home we got comfortable and relaxed from a hard days’ work. We made dinner and sat back to enjoy a movie; we watched a movie called the Wedding Dress, it was very nice, the movie ended around 10: 00 pm.
Then, I went up to my room and prepared for bed. Finally, I went to bed around 10: 45 pm, knowing that it would start all over again tomorrow.