In the play Antigone one of the main charicter is the “tragic hero” Creon. To be a “tragic hero a charicter must have an inner flaw, be at the prime of his or her life, and bring about his or her own demise through their inner flaw. The charicter Creon has more than one in flaws, in fact, he has several. He is ignorance, arrogant, and stubborn.
These flaw become apparent throughout the play. The most prevelant and obvious inner flaw of Creon is his stubbornness. He won’t back down from his foolish position of outlawing the burial of Polynisese under the penalty of death until it is too late. Creon says “Law is law and will remain so,” in defence of his order of Antigone’s execution, but in his stubbourness he won’t yeld to argument that the gods’ laws should remain. He must know being told by his son Haemon, the people of Thebes, and Antigone that he is breaking the gods’ laws which are more important than his, but he is far too stub our no back down. Haemon says, “Learn and listen when good advice is given.” Creon whose judgment is clouded by his stubourness refuses to listen to the lowly people of Thebes.
Haemon says, “Flexible trees survive,” pointing out that the best way to avoid revolution by the people is back down from your orders when the people demand something reasonable. Once again Creon refuses to back down, and his son’s insightful comments only enfuriate him because for him backing down is not an option. The other flaws of Creon show up less and play a less intr ical part in his demise. Two of these lesser flaw are arrogance and ignorance. His arrogance is actually one of the things that feed his stubounness for, as Creon sees it a great and powerful man like himself couldn’t be wrong so to ad heir to lesser people wouldn’t make sence. Creon isn’t necessarily an unintelligent man.
He is just ignorant. Creon’s ignorance is displayed in the following quote, “the whole breed of prophets certainly loves money.” He is accusing the prophet Tiresias of taking bribes when he gives a prophesy that displeases Creon. He is blinded by his willful ignorance. Creon obviously thinks himself better than any person. He says, “Kings must have their way…
.” He is the king, and being the king makes him even more arrogant. Creon probably isn’t all that terrible as a human being. He is only trying to do his best governing a nation in terr moil. His flaws, however, lead to the destruction of everything he holds dear while eliminating themselves by teaching Creon that they lead to awful consequences.