Have you ever noticed that few people know how to be old? Some that I have come across in the differences in trying to understand is why this is? Some don’t know how to act, dress or what attitude they have when getting old. First, the way in which act. You will find some older people in nightclubs acting as if they were under 21 years old. They are dancing like the younger people and trying to keep up with younger generation. Next is what they are wearing. Some older people don’t care about what they are wearing.
In some places I have been, I have seen them in short dresses or skirts, and shirts on that show too much cleavage. They wear their hair like teenagers. Instead of letting their hair turn gry a they become a red head or go totally blonde because they don’t want anyone to know their age. Last, they have the wrong attitude. They think that they are getting younger instead of older. Some think that going to parties is much more important than staying home on the weekend.
They feel as if they are going to miss something if they are at home. Getting older in these days is a privilige because some people don’t live long enough to get old. However, getting old requires a change and some people must be willing to make that change. Life is too short and to get old in this day and age is a given. Older people really need to give this some thought..