Everyday people are presented with different problems and challenges, or in the poem clouds, that they must intend to overcome. Often times an individual attempt of overcoming adversity is what helps to keep us, as people, united and strong when facing our conflicts. We hold each other like the father and mother, side by side, facing the clouds and together hopefully help one another overcome the struggles that certain challenges present. Though some challenges may be difficult to overcome, we will overcome our ordeals if we seek strength in others. Clouds Above the Sea suggests that together, we can overcome our individual endeavors. To overcome our greatest challenges we should drape one another with a silken scarf of support to protect each other from the chill of the rain that at one time or an other, inevitably comes with clouds, the pain that inevitably comes with attempting to over come tribulations.
However, overcoming such challenges leaves the person with a sense of pride and accomplishment. A legacy to be told, for having overcome such adversity. There are many metaphors used through this poem, which are used to describe how describe how a child perceives their parents struggle to overcome challenges, how they handled it and how they overcame, and at the end how he celebrates their triumph. The clouds that move in on the parents, could represent the everyday struggles that each of us faces in our lives.
The whole weight of the rain to come is symbolic of the pain or the anguish, which unavoidably comes with overcoming struggles. The silken scarf that is draped around the mother, reminds us of the support and encouragement we need to have for one another to overcome struggles. The rope of genuine pearls as a gift for bearing my father’s sons, show us that the son is grateful and proud of her mother.