Children Ask Yourself What Did These Women Men Woman Care

Today women run around screaming for their rights and about how they are created equal to men. They arenft created equal, and everyone knows that. Without men they wouldnft have anyone to take care of them, to open those jars that they are too weak to even touch. Women need to be put in their place. We need to go to extreme measures to set things right again.

First of all, and the most obvious thing that should be corrected, is that women should not be permitted to leave the house, better yet not allowed to leave the kitchen (except to fulfill their first of their two responsibilities as follows). The woman of the household only has two responsibilities: 1) to have children to pass on the family name, and 2) to cook for everyone. Nothing else is needed of them; nothing else should be expected. But this brings concerns: A frail, weak, helpless woman is nft capable of doing chores. She is too frail to stand for hours cooking, let alone can she handle a sharp knife, which is often needed in the kitchen.

The solution for this is to simply lock up all women. Let them do nothing. Men can do the cooking because obviously no woman is fit to do such a thing. Furthermore, with this setup, women can sit around all day and will have no possible way to harm themselves. The only work they would have to do is have children.

This brings them down to only one responsibility. But once the child is born it will be taken away because women arenft fit to take care of children. What would a woman know about taking care of a child? But, come to think about it, even having children is really be too much responsibility for a woman. Once you think about it, in today fs age with all of our technology, we donft even need women. Children can be created in a lab and then raised by men.

This only further improves the strength of society because we would then produce only strong men without the sensitivity and weakness that young boys obtain from their mothers. We wouldnft even have to bother to create female children. This would lead to a perfect society free from women. Without women there would be so many advantages: First of all, everything would be done better, because men do everything better than women do; women donft know how to do anything, of course. This applies to everything that women are known for doing: cooking, cleaning, raising children. Ask yourself, what did these women think they were doing coming into the work force when they wouldnft even take care of the house? We know that women arenft as smart as men because otherwise they would be the ones who discovered fire and who went out and killed animals for food, all things that require great intelligence.

We have known for thousands of years that women are the weaker sex. Jesus is a good example. He was born a man and stands for right and goodness, so then He must be of the better sex, the right sex. Actually, all great prophets have been men so its like a message from God saying that women are worthless.

Show God that you agree with his message by killing every woman and making the world a better place, the way He must have intended it. So go home, go to work, or just go out on the streets and do your duty. Kill all of the worthless women. Get rid of them; they were nft meant to be and can ft be used for anything. He is counting on you and, because you are the greater sex, I know you donft let Him down. Then the world will be the way it is supposed to be “”Y a man fs world..