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What is an essay? An essay is a communicative tool. From the french word “essai” meaning to try or attempt, and essay is therefore an attempt to communicate. Whether it be knowledge, opinion, or facts, an essay is a communicative tool. Demonstrative essay Sometimes called the descriptive essay, the demonstrative essay seeks to “demonstrate” or describe an event, happening, feeling, object, etc. Argumentative or Persuasive essay An argumentative essay is an attempt to win the reader over to the writer’s way of thinking by using facts and sometimes research as evidence. Compare and Contrast essay A discussion of two or more subjects, illuminating the similarities and / or differences between the two.
Usually these similarities and / or differences are used to illuminate and support a particular , or thesis. Cause and Effect essay A cause and effect essay is one type of argumentative essay, wherein the writer presents an issue from a particular point of view, and convinces the reader of that point of view by illustrating the cause of the problem, and its subsequent effect. Expository essay An expository essay seeks to explain. Exposition is the conveyance of information necessary in order to understand an idea or concept. Narrative essay A narrative essay tells what happened, and should answer the following questions: who? what? where? why? when? Newspaper journalism falls under this category. The Review A review illustrates the writer’s opinion of a work, but this opinion must be an informed, educated opinion weighing the work with the norm..