The book Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry mainly deals with the struggles of one family trying to deal with racism and the effects it has on them and their lives. This is important to black people because it was not to long ago that slavery was ended. Racism in this book affects the characters because they didn’t try to stop the hatred that was going on in their community. It is also about the fact that laws were not followed as they are supposed to.
This was done by not treating everyone the same. For example, when schoolbooks were given to the black community, they were books that the white kids destroyed and were to be discarded so they were given to the black kids.
There are several conflicts in this story. They are man vs. man, man vs. society, and man vs.
nature. I will first talk about man vs. man, this happens when the two white boys fought T. J. Avery and accused him of robbing a store.
In man vs. society, the hatred that was happening in Mississippi at that time is proof of this conflict. Finally the conflict with man vs. nature happens when Little Man springs out of his chair and throws down the book and step on it. Because of the racism in the story the conflicts are both internal and external. They deal mainly with racism and the effects it has on the people and their lives.
The turning point of this book is when the Loans cotton field catches fire to try and stop the distraction. The whole event of the story and what is happening changes. Everyone around the fire was trying to hang someone or not trying to get burned. Once the fire was started everyone stopped what they where doing to help put out the fire. The climax of the story is when everyone stopped to put out the fire no matter if it was black or white, hate or dislike was not the issue at the time. This is also the resolution because the prejudice is gone for a moment.
The falling action is when everyone goes home.
The setting of Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry takes place during the 1930’s in rural Mississippi. The setting of Mississippi has an important effect on the story and the white people there were very racist. The point of view in this novel basically creates the whole story because it is a child telling the whole story and not the average adult.
Cassie Logan tells the whole story in extreme detail, since everything has to do with her life and innocence. The mood in the story also plays a big roll. The mood is suspense, happiness and peace all as one.
There are several themes in the book Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry. One of the themes could be best described as when someone feels that everything has went wrong, he could still have the pride of his family and friends.
Courage comes only to those who earn it could be the other theme. The last theme involves the difficult situation life presents to you and the need to stand tall and don’t let anyone bring you or your confidence down.
In conclusion to Roll of Thunder Hear My cry I thought that the book was very interesting, but I wouldn’t read it again because of all of the racism in the book and I don’t like to hear nor read about racism. I would tell all of my friends about this book, because I think that this is a good book. I also think that my friends would enjoy this book, better than I would.
The only time that I would read this book is when I have to do a book report or project. Other than that I thought the book was a wonderful book.