10/1/03 Pd. 3 b Homework 1. a) Sanger Rainsford and General Zaroff are the two main characters in the story and they are both skilled huntsmen. b) Rainsford’s and Zaroff’s struggle would be less interesting if Rainsford were a doctor because he wouldn’t have the skill and tricks of hunting to confuse Zaroff and get away from him. Zaroff would just find him and kill him. 2.
These episodes hint at the coming struggle because Rainsford’s and Whitney’s conversation was about the island and how it was said to kill all sailors who go there. So when Rainsford falls off the yacht and finds shore, he knows that he is on the island and when he sees the chateau he wonders what it has to do with the sailors myth. 5. a) Rainsford is forced to take a desperate chance at the end of the story and that chance was to tie his knife to a young sapling and tied it back with a grape vine so when Zaroff was walking he would get stabbed by the knife. b) I think the author suddenly switches to Zaroff’s point of view in the story because he or she wanted to leave the reader on a cliff hanger of what happened to Rainsford. 6.
I think Rainsford’s attitude towards hunting does change throughout the course of the story because in the beginning Rainsford says to Whitney “The best sport in the world,” and he is speaking about hunting. He starts to think differently near the end because hunting has caused his life to be in danger.