Communication Over The Internet, and The Effects It Will Have On Our Economy Thesis: Communication over the internet is growing at a rapid rate, this rate of growth may destroy the monopoly taking place with the major telecommunication giants. In this day and age we as a global community are growing at a super fast rate. Communication is a vital tool which aids us in breaking the distance barrier. Over the past decades there has been a monopoly in the telecommunications business, but now with the power of the internet, and super fast data transfer rates people can communicate across the globe and only pay local rates… In essence the local phone companies almost promote this. – When you log on to the internet chances are that you are logging on through a local internet provider.
You will use your computer modem to dial up and create and data link with your net provider. Where does the net provider get his super fast net connection from? He gets the connection from the local phone company… How logging on the internet is almost like logging right onto the local telephone company. -It all boils down to, the local phone company approving the use of the internet for any means… How phone companies are going to bring them selves down. -I feel that because of this phone companies will be the cause to their own downfall…
Methods of communication over the net-There are many ways of communicating over the net: Inter relay chat (text only) -Video/Audio: there are many net applications which allow the user to simply plug in a mini video camera (which can be purchased anywhere from $150+) and speakers and a microphone and establish a net connection and be able to view to and hear. -There are also applications such as the internet phone which enables the user to talk with other people, this works almost like a conventional telephone… New technologies and what to expect in the near future. There have been many new breakthroughs in communication s recently, we are unfolding new ideas and new and faster ways in communication. Fiber optic technology is probably the next major wave in technology. Fiber optic communication over the internet will mean that it will be a lot easier to communicate…
Why there is no jurisdiction over this means of communication. A major principal of law and order is to control a certain area and population. Laws that apply to one state or province don’t necessarily apply to another. Just like in Amsterdam you can order a slice of hashish with your coffee and if you did the same in Singapore you would be executed.
The internet does not reside somewhere nor is it a physical thing. The internet has no boundaries, there is no way in which we can control it. There is no one person liable for what happens on it, there is no board of control therefore nobody has any jurisdiction of what happens on the internet. This should be a major concern to large telecommunication companies… Advantages/Disadvantages with the technology available to the normal person-There is a downside however to the communication on the internet, for example when talking on the internet phone, you can not talk both ways, one person says something the other waits until he / she is done, then the other person can respond. On the other hand if you have a problem of cutting people off then this would be a good solution for you…
How corporations other than the telecommunication companies will boom These new technologies will dramatically lower the cost of communication, not to mention advantages of online service. For example it is quite easy for a technician to log on to your machine and fix up any problems which may occur… How the government gain / loose from this new technology. The government will gain money from the people as a whole because they reduce there costs enabling themselves to purchase desired goods which are taxable… The aftershocks of the effects on the economy i. e.
decrease unemployment. People might argue that there will be major job cuts due to new technologies, but what do the telephone companies plan to do any ways in the next five to ten years, they are all looking at technology as well to reduce there costs. Costs such as man labour. The new technology will also create jobs for graduating students from Universities, there will be a large demand for programming skills, computer oriented network managers, system operators etc… Technology is a tool in which we will improve your quality of life, it will aid us in making life easier so that we can enjoy it to the fullest. Communication over the internet will help a lot from sending faxes, to chatting with someone from Australia, to video conferencing with a boss.
Communication over the internet will effect our economy.