The main character of the book “Tess of the d’Urbervilles” written by Thomas Hardy is a young lady named Tess Durbeyfiled who has her entire life controlled by fate combined with her own innocence toward the people around her. We see this through-out the novel. Hardy a dose this by placing it Tess in many situations which are on favorable to her but that she has no control over. She is also often placed in the situation by being so nice, and understanding and not wanting anyone to be angry with The main character of the book “Tess of the d’Urbervilles” written by Thomas Hardy is a young lady named Tess Durbeyfiled who has her entire life controlled by fate combined with her own innocence toward the people around her. We see this through-out the novel. Hardy a dose this by placing it Tess in many situations which are on favorable to her but that she has no control over.
She is also often placed in the situation by being so nice, and understanding and not wanting anyone to be angry with. Tess is a very timid e character, who is yet to develope and grow within the big new world. Her and angel have their arguememts, which are repaid for when Tess murders Alec, only for the love of which she bears for her husband. She then travels to a mansion which is out of use, where the two in love, who are finally happily reunited, spend five glorious days together. They cannot stay in one place as police all over the county are searching for Tess. Later she is found at stonehenge and is then killed..