This article, written by Peggy Grant, described to us how hard a foreigner’s life can be. A Japanese immigrant named Emiko gathered in enough courage to ask her Canadian neighbor to teach her some English so she can pass the test to receive her Canadian citizenship. Her Canadian neighbor was Peggy and every morning for six months, Emiko and Peggy studied, laughed and spent the quality time together. On the exam day, with Peggy’s help, she passed the test after two consecutive tries and received her much wanted Canadian citizenship.
Picture yourself from another country, working 2 jobs and trying to feed and care for your two children. I admire the amount of courage she had to walk up to a neighbor that she barely knew, and ask her for some help on speaking English. This relates to all the other immigrants that are having trouble passing the test for a Canadian citizenship. I hope they get to read this article because it well help them build up the courage to ask a neighbor for help.
I remember when I was 4 years old and starting school. I had no English background because my parents spoke Chinese to me. I didn’t have courage to ask my teacher for help or talk to other kids and I had no friends except for my cousin. This is exactly how the immigrants feel and I hope they build enough courage to ask and express there feelings. Now, this article makes me want to help other immigrants and teach them English because most of them are so nice and hard working. I think that Emiko will help out country because she has this Canadian status and if we bring in more immigrants it ” ll up our economy.
What do you think about these immigrants? Do you think they will help our economy and help our country as a whole? I feel that they will and they ” ll bring in more education from different country like America is doing to us. Now, when I see people from other country’s that are having difficult with speaking English I will try my best to help them out. I understand some of them have great difficult in asking a stranger to help them with English because they stereotype that all people in Canada are the one’s that they had bad experiences with. I will try to walk towards them and help them out to help me become a better person.
In Conclusion, I feel immigrants do have a tough time and it’s our job to make them feel at home and help them on what they need.