The Box Social Review

THE BOX SOCIAL In reading this story I was a bit confused as to what I was supposed to think. The entire piece is very abstract and keep your mind wandering. You don’t know very much about the characters or why these situations are taking place. You start off by meeting a young girl who is making a box. We have no idea why it is that she is asking a box or why she is putting so much effort into it. We don’t know why she has been sick and is all of a sudden better to go to this social.

We ” re kept wondering as to why this girl is making such an effort to make it to the social after being “sick” for so long and not making it to any other occasions. She obsesses over the number 12 and the colour black with her 12 black ribbons, why is this? What is it that made her so sick and pale then all of a sudden in good health. She focuses ont he box as if it is everything to her. She takes great care of it, and wants to make sure it arrives in perfect condition. She offers no information about where she has been or what she was sick with only that she is better now. She places the box carefull and the bidding begins.

I don’t understand why anyone would want to bid on decorated shoe boxes. When was time for her box to go the man purchased it and commented on her wall paper she used. She stayed with him until he opened the box careful and when he saw what was inside could not comprehend the sight. Who was this man, and why would she care to share something this disturbing with him or anyone for that matter.

Is this her father to recognize the wallpaper on the box or is it someone closer on a more personal level. We ” re left in the dark as to who he is and what role he has played in her life. Throughout the story we are not given a very vivid image of her and her life.