The Fifth Child Ben Children Harriet

In “The Fifth Child,” the Lovett family was so happy, and everything was perfect. All of that changed when the fifth child was conceived. Even before Ben was born, he was already a problem to the family. He was already considered abnormal. When Harriet was pregnant with Ben, she was going through tremendous pains. Even though she experienced some discomfort with her other pregnancies, this was much more serious.

She felt as though the baby was trying to kill her from the inside. She felt his strength as he was inside of her. This kept her up all night long. She was always sick and in a bad mood.

Harriet even went as far as taking medications to try to subdue the pain. It seemed as though Ben, only a fetus, was already a grown baby. Physically, Ben was much different from the other children. When the time came for Harriet to give birth to Ben, she even had to go to the hospital. With her previous four children, she gave birth in her bed at home.

Ben came out not looking like a normal baby. He resembled more of a troll. He was small in height, even when he aged. He had a heavy-shouldered look.

His hands were thick and heavy. Ben had a strange sloping head also. In the book, he was referred to a wrestler. Ben was doing things, at such a young age, that other children would not be doing. Ben had abnormal emotional characteristics also. He always had a strange air about him.

He had a mischievous expression. He had that “I don’t care” attitude. Ben seemed to never be happy when he was at home or with the family. He went as far as killing the dog, and attempting to kill his siblings too. He would rip his own clothing off of his body. It seems as though he did not like to be constraint.

At one point in the book, Ben tried to mimic the other childrens’ behaviors. It seemed as though he was trying to please Harriet and David. I believe that Ben’s behavior is abnormal- if you compare him to the other children in the book- but only to a certain extent. However, you can not blame him for the way that he is. I think that his disability is based upon his genetic makeup.

Ben’s aunt gave birth to a child with a disability. Ben could be considered to have a disability also. This could be because of genetics.