According to the Egyptians, in the beginning, there was only water. The water was a god named Nu. Out of the water came the sun god named Atum. It is said Atum created himself using his thoughts and will. This coming out of the water signifies the coming to light stage. Atum had nowhere to stand so he created a hill.
Atum was lonely, so his next step was to create more gods. Atum made a union with his shadow and then came the offspring. He was considered a bisexual god so this union was normal to the Egyptians. He made his son by spitting him out.
He made his daughter by throwing her up. Shu represented the air, and Tefnut was the goddess of moisture. Shu and Tefnut continued creation by establishing a social order. Shu was responsible for the “principals of life” while Tefnut was responsible for the principles of order. Then, Shu and Tefnut got separated and lost from their father. Atum had one eye and it was removable.
He took his eye off and sent it to go look for his children. The children returned with the eye and were happy to see their father. Atum was crying and where his tears would touch the ground, a man would be created. Atum was now ready to create the world. Shu and Tefnut became the parents of Geb, the earth, and Nut, the sky. Geb and Nut gave birth to Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephthys.
According to the Egyptians, in the beginning, there was only water. The water was a god named Nu. Out of the water came the sun god named Atum. It is said Atum created himself using his thoughts and will. This coming out of the water signifies the coming to light stage. Atum had nowhere to stand so he created a hill.
Atum was lonely, so his next step was to create more gods. Atum made a union with his shadow and then came the offspring. He was considered a bisexual god so this union was normal to the Egyptians. He made his son by spitting him out. He made his daughter by throwing her up. Shu represented the air, and Tefnut was the goddess of moisture.
Shu and Tefnut continued creation by establishing a social order. Shu was responsible for the “principals of life” while Tefnut was responsible for the principles of order. Then, Shu and Tefnut got separated and lost from their father. Atum had one eye and it was removable. He took his eye off and sent it to go look for his children. The children returned with the eye and were happy to see their father.
Atum was crying and where his tears would touch the ground, a man would be created. Atum was now ready to create the world. Shu and Tefnut became the parents of Geb, the earth, and Nut, the sky. Geb and Nut gave birth to Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephthys.